I have Neo-Tech/Zonpower. IMO it is a waste of money. Anything Wallace disagrees with is "mysticism." Anything he agrees with is "fully integrated honesty." If you rid yourself of "mysticism" you become a "fully integrated" and a "Zon," some sort of super-being that is physically immortal and can create universes just as our universe was created by someone who discovered Neo-Tech.

The "testimonials" sections (a BIG part of the book) are pretty funny and over the top. While many companies will use testimonials, most at least try to be realistic. Basically everyone's lives were totally changed by Neo-Tech and they became "true believers." Even funnier is the "hate mail" section. These are even more extreme, one letter even came from "The Soviet Union, the Center of the Universe" to portray their opponents as being Communists.

Basically it is a mix of Branden's and Rand's work, with a big dose of Sci-Fi cultism. No religion or spirituality is real, and they are all the works of "Neo-Cheaters," basically anyone Wallace doesn't like. Wallace is pretty ignorant of hypnosis, sayign that while it could be used for seduction it cases impotency. I'm pretty sure Ross Jeffries and his students would disagree. The ads claimed the techniques would work for gambling and investing but I really don't see how being an Atheist and Objectivist alone will help with those areas. If you read the Mindlist archives there were discussions on Neo-Tech from experienced NLP students.