I purchased Neo Tech in 1984 and have been fan until the mid 90’s. I purchased
a lot of the Neo Tech literature and even went to two Neo Tech summits in Las

So I know Dr. Wallace and most of his co-workers personally.(meeting them at the
I agree that N-T is to a large degree a rephrasing of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism but it is much broader and goes much deeper then Objectivism.

What did I learn from N-T?

• I know what a neocheater is and how those people operate. I know how to
avoid them.

• I learnt integrated thinking, connected thinking which alone provides a great advantage because hardly anyone does it.

• I got rid of a lot of unearned guilt feelings indoctrinated by neocheaters such as the media, some teachers, the church and even some relatives.

The reason why I dropped Neo-Tech or distanced myself from it was that it is based on some beliefs which are called axiomatic. (not to be questioned and self evident)
Those beliefs are limiting integrated thinking because they can only integrate within the boundaries of those beliefs.