
I am in the UK and I bought the Effortfree Life System Silver edition which cost £500 - ouch! But the sales letters etc were so good I thought I would take a chance as it had a 60 day money back guarantee.

I can honestly say that it really is a rehash of other peoples programs presented in a slightly different way. I am a certified NLP Practitioner and have used numerous self help programs such as The Sedona Method, Holosync, Hypnosis etc over the years and could see elements of these approaches within the program.

NLP certainly features very strongly in it in my opinion. In the Silver edition you just get so many newsletters and CD's you almost don't know where to start. It can feel quite overwhelming which comes as a bit of a shock as it is very much sold on it being a quick and easy process!

I also think it is very expensive and note other peoples comments about its price against Learning Strategies products. I agree.

I decideded to return it.

I should mention, in the spirit of fairness, that due to my own mistake I returned the course about 3 weeks late (got the return date mixed up with another course I was trying out) and Lifetools would not accept it back under any circumstances.
This includes me offering to pay an extra handling fee and then asking if they would be willing to downgrade the course to the Standard Edition (still £197) but they were totally inflexible about it.
So the outcome is that I have spent £500 for nothing! (they still even have the course - not that I want it back)

Be warned!!!!