I purchased the effort free life system having been sucked in by the marketing schpiel that was sent to me. I sent it back after a couple of weeks because (a) it appeared to be a re-hash of other courses (very similar to the sedona method in my view) and (b) the creator of the course, Chris Payne, comes across as someone who has read a lot of books and done a lot of courses, but at no point did I ever get the feeling that he was genuine, that there was any sincerity there.

I actually took the sedona course in Manchester a few years ago where Chris Payne was the intructor. Having heard the tapes I was very disappointed with his presentation, again because it came over as someone who was teaching from a third hand perspective, rather than as from someone who actually lived what he was teaching.

Lastly, the course is massively overpriced, and most of the cost appears to be justified by such things as 'One hour conference call with Chris Payne, value £1million pounds. Cost £50'.

Big rip off in my view.