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FVTrader ... sounds like you've been to a Millionaire's Mind seminar. Very T. Harv Ecker your words!

To the guy who started this thread:

Management of our resources does not mean we are living in lack.

Abundance mentality comes from BELIEVING you will have more than you need to live a life of prosperity on every level and being a good steward of that abundance.

Being a spendthrift while ignoring you haven't the funds to spend is not abundance mentality.

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Thanks for all the feedback ... but, then, what is the difference at all between abundance mentality and good ol' common sense? I've always been taught to live my life with the philosophy that that if I'm diligent about what I do, success will follow, and be wise with money / time management, etc., etc., etc. Any good parent / teacher / preacher / book will tell you the same.

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That "common" sense ? You mean the herd mentality that keeps all the sheep in the same old rut?


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Regarding the "herd mentality" and "the same old rut", it occurred to me that operations like LSC (and society as a whole) could not exist without a vast support base of people who are all entranced. Imagine what would happen if EVERYONE all of a sudden bought into the abundance mentality and expected the universe to instantaneously manifest their every desire, need, want without effort. Then, NO ONE would go to work at "the same old rut", and modern society as we know it would collapse overnight.

If you really think about it, those who expect to manifest abundance in their lives require an army of "slaves" who are entranced to make that abundance meaningful. After all, the notion of "financial independence" requires a society of workers who are motivated by money to work for those who give them that money, that is, they are entranced. If you really wanted to wake them up out of their trance and are 100% successful, then you'll have eliminated your entire support structure ... no one to mine the materials for your CD's, forest the trees for your paper, burn the coal for your electricity, get rid all the garbage/trash you created, drive the delivery trucks/trains/planes, etc., etc. ...

I (along with most people on Earth) would like to be "financially independent". But then I realize that in order for that to be the wonderful thing it is suppose to represent, I'm relying on millions of less-fortunate souls who are working "the same old rut", and hope they never discover my secret! This is the painful reality of the abundance mentality that is starting to bother me.

Maybe that's why AFL is priced so high that the vast majority of the population can't afford it? So that you can maintain a good portion of entranced slaves to serve the wealthy?

Forgive my cynicism, but I'm as guilty as everyone else who desires financial freedom.

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Here's my take on this - I've just received the AFL course and have not listened to anything yet.

My take on this is that I would not be happy very long just sitting around doing "nothing" My greatest joy comes from helping others, helping mankind, helping animals, the earth, etc. Yes, I bought the AFL program to help me be more abundant in all areas of my life. Though I know I'm really happy right where I am, right now, I am seeking more. I don't have to be "rich" in terms of money to be happy. But I am seeking more and am willing to learn more to be able to open up to more. That is just where I am right now.

Here's my take on your issue with money. First there is enough for everyone as the universe is abundant and there is no limit (please don't go off into thinking about radical unlimitedness such as chopping down all the trees in the world and that effect or we'll be going in circles all day - I'm not speaking of that type of unlimitedness The God I believe in is limitless and will bless us.

Money makes the world go round so to speak. So if every one was happy and abundant / doing what makes them prosperous then they would be contributing and exchanging their skills / talents / goods for money. They would then be able to buy your goods / talents / skills. You'd make money doing what you love and so would every one else! You're thinking that prosperity means sitting around all day staring at the wall if there are no worker ants to supply? That is not my idea of a prosperity filled world and a fullfilling life at all. I don't want to get rich and do nothing - I would not be fullfilled (for a while it would be fun to run around on grand vacations but after a while I'd want more meaning to my life) Most super rich people do "good" in the world, they run charities, they visit the sick, they loby for parks and nature, their favorite ball team, run a business, play pro ball, etc. - they do things that make them feel good inside and feel worth while, things that make them feel useful and needed.

Could it be your ego that is keeping you safe with these "thoughts" of yours? The ego is great at keeping us from any type of change - it wants to keep things the same as that is what it knows as safe. One could rationalize themselves out of any change as you seem to be doing. Try to just be open to change.

I know that is part of my "problem" right now. "CHANGE" That is what set me on the path to this program and other things I'm doing. Things are changing in my life and I don't want them to - brutal honesty here. I'm scared and sick to death at times - what to do ? what to do? My job is changing and I want it to remain the same. My dad passed away 2 months ago and I want him back. My husband is sick and I want him healed, My son has ldyslexia with an extremely high IQ and I want to fix the dyslexia for him so he can be successful, etc. Though I know I have a great / blessed life right now I also know it is time to face forward and move on / not just hang on / nor just endure graciously what ever I'm handed. I'm ready to be empowered.


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I appreciate your heartfelt response and I wish you more power in your attaining abundance.

I think I didn't express my core thought clearly enough ... what I meant is that in order for our modern society to function, there are lots and lots and lots of jobs and tasks that people only do because they have to, that no one who is wealthy and priviledged would want to do, that probably no one in their right minds would want to do, but which are vitally necessary for our society to go on. The only reason why people do them, though, is because they "have" to, in order to survive, to make a living, to pay the bills. If everyone were truly "enlightened" and awoke from the limitation trance, all these jobs would be vacated really, really fast, and our modern comforts and societies would evaporate. So, it's in the interest of the wealthy/enlightened to keep a fair portion of the population under the darkness of unenlightenment.

Objectively, why parents want their kids to get more education, better jobs, and more money is to spare them from those jobs which are relagated to the less educated, less capable, and less wealthy ... all the "dirty jobs" ... and to enable them to enjoy their lives in relative comfort and ease. That's what makes "abundance" (in terms of wealth) so attractive. That's why everyone wants it.

Look at the ads for the AFL itself ... it promises all the "good" things in life, the glitter and gold and all that constitute a "good life," all without conscious effort.

I know people can put a spin on abundance to say that it is more than wealth, that it is a change in attitude, so that even while a sanitation-employee is scraping filth out of the sewer system, he or she can think it's their life's calling and purpose and be happy as the billionaire who's making that filth. But I think that's a spin which, taken to its extreme, is more damaging than good, because it doesn't free us at all ... it just makes us happier slaves. While AFL doesn't explicitly do that, there's a hint of it, which raises a few red flags in my mind that there's a little bait-and-switch going on. After all, if you can successfully redefine "abundance" to mean "contentment", well, then of course the program will work!

Anyway, AFL is definitely a life-long learning process, and I'm just actively trying to find consistency in my beliefs and practices.

Best to you on your journey!

[This message has been edited by hartreefoch (edited March 03, 2006).]

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Who do you think would be happier? The person who doesnt know much and live a simple life or the person who knows alot and doesnt do anything with what they know?
You dont know how those people would feel if they were enlightened and for them to be just happier slaves, what they do before and after has absolutely nothing to do with you or how the world will turn out to be like. yeah society might collapse, it might also take on a different dirrection, it doesnt have to go downward. Look at how different the technology is today than from 4000yrs ago during ancient civilizations, even look back at 200yrs ago, we as human being adapt to our environment, even the environment we have created..

Theres a possibility that you were sorrounded with narrow minded people growing up as a child and took on their ways of thinking therefore surrounding yourself with negative situations which helped prove to yourself that what you percieve the world to be was right according to your beliefs.(negative beliefs).
You can not assume that the world will go a certain direction because you dont know what is going on inside their heads, everyone had a different up bringing, if you want put it on a scale from -10 to +10. of cause there would be loads more people in -10 to -5 then there would be in +5 to +10. The question is where would you find yourself, honestly, cause youd be just lieing to youself. Now where would you like to be? even at +10 is not immpossible because there is someone there otherwise there wouldnt be a +10...
If you find it hard to see how negative you are towards alot of things, then I think this AFL is a bit too much for you... even thou its designed for averyone.
Try reading up on spychology so that you can begin to comprehend the basics of the human mind and how it works, you might even see just how a sigle thought can have an impact on the physical world.. untill then dont share with us your generalisation on how the world will turn out and especially how people will feel because you dont know, they are your assumptions based on references from your past, which is filled with negativity, its written all over everything you have written up on this forum.if you disagree, I can understand, nobody likes to be told they are wrong which is not my intentions here, I want you to see that your percption of the world and how people will feel given a certain situation is not the only one and that there is that possibility that you could be wrong..
I would focus on me first instead of worrying about the whole world at first.
Thinking too much about how everyone is/would be experiencing the world wont do you much good, Focus your enerygy on how YOU are feeling right now and how YOU would like to feel therefore experiencee this world.. work on yourself and stop refering to others, those are just exuses to justify why you havent being working on yourself or why you havent got the result your after..
all the best to you.

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I got this from a Richard Bandler CD ( a set with various topics) but this one came from the prosperity/abundance one:

Many years ago, there was no money in the world. Now look at how much money there is!

How much money has been created in the last 500 years? The last 100 years?

As the population grows, so does the abundance.

Hartree, How do you know that the people working those "have to" jobs aren't ecstatic because otherwise they'd be living in a cardboard box in an alley?

Personally, (And this is just me) I find it very condacending and arrogant to assume that I know anything about the reasons and beliefs and life situations of people I've never met....

Again, thats just me.

Personally, I'm closing in on 40 yo. At one point in my life, I had close to a quarter mill. Just a few months ago, I had to borrow money from my mom. Currently, I make enought to pay the bills and save a little extra. But the AFL course is teaching me how much POTENTIAL there is in the world, for EVERYONE. for that I am grateful. Very grateful.

Just the feeling exercise alone has taught me much. When I look into strangers eyes, I see greatness in everyone. Everyone.

Whether or not I come close to or surpass my previous wealth, I know that true happiness is within my grasp, because, it is within me.

And that is all you need to know.


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For the sake of an example lets say there are no more worker ants for McDonald’s - would that be truly awful ? - LOL . We might have to cook nutritious meals at home - but with enlightenment we would find pure joy in doing that for ourselves? But then there would be people who love to cook and would maybe open up a restaurant and we would pay them what it is worth to not have to cook at home?

Maybe with an ALL enlightened world we would not need worker ants for those low jobs as these low jobs would be obsolete?

If there were no low menial workers, then man would simply invent another way. PERIOD - it always happens - man is always devising a better more efficient way that requires fewer low paying menial jobs. Just look at history.

As you can see, I'm going way beyond just more money for more leisure life and things. In my opinion if every one was enlightened then you’re right - it WOULD be a truly different world - a world I cannot really get a grasp of as I just don't know but I choose to believe that it would be better - much better - not an awful collapse into nothingness or chaos and neediness.

Just so you know: I’m not trying to bash you as I do truly see where your coming from - My brain can do the same thing - in fact I do it quite often - run myself in circles with logical “arguments” BUT I am trying to help you see that you have to choose to want to change and get out of your own way.

& For the sake of baby steps so to speak: If you choose to see it simply as another trance - then which trance would you rather be in ????

Love and light,

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Regarding the "herd mentality" and "the same old rut", it occurred to me that operations like LSC (and society as a whole) could not exist without a vast support base of people who are all entranced.

Who says that "operations like LSC" needs to exist if everyone had the skills to manifest whatever they wanted out of thin air. The people of LSC would continue to manifest their desires in other ways... just like everyone else they would be manifesting what they need out of thin air too. Aright their egos might not get stoked from watching people they help succeed. We have ways to manifest that too when we manifest all that we need and desire.

magine what would happen if EVERYONE all of a sudden bought into the abundance mentality and expected the universe to instantaneously manifest their every desire, need, want without effort. Then, NO ONE would go to work at "the same old rut", and modern society as we know it would collapse overnight.

Not everyone who "buys into the abundance mentality quits work." The majority find ways of being more productive doing what they like. If you look closely those who have moved into the abundance mentality play more at their "work" We don't call it work anymore it is something we do for the sheer joy of it.

Abundance isn't only money. It is being able to appreciate what life has to offer. Permitting yourself to feel and express your joy as you go about your "work". You can feel rich standing on a beach watching a golden sunset and children build water channels racing against the waves. And all you have is one penny in your pocket.

In that moment you don't need the penny sitting in your pocket or even the $10,000,000 in the bank . They are just numbers waiting for a turn to play a role of energy transaction when the time is right. Such a transaction can take two minutes in a day for the other 1438 minutes of this day it means nothing.

So what is "Abundance Mentality " ?

Those who have it enjoy their lives a lot more and they can even enjoy their lives when they ask, "Do you want Fries with that?"


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