Hi there,
Many thanks for letting me know about this film. I had never heard of it before. I belong to lovefilm.com for my postal movie rentals but it doesn't seem to list the film. Where else could I get it from? (it might be a wee bit harder to get in Europe but that shouldn't be a reason for me not trying to find it!) Could you perhaps give me any advice?

Incidentally, if you enjoy watching films, a truly inspiring and beautiful film is "The Man Who Planted Trees". It's based on a book and is actually an animation - I think it might have won an Oscar a number of years ago. It is a story of how one man can make a huge difference and really reminds us what impact each individual can make on the world if he or she strives to live with positivity, honesty, simplicity and integrity.

If you can't get that film - Princess Mononoke is also a beautiful Japanese animation with a life-affirming message - it might be easier to get hold of.
lots of love