Hi Eagle,
Close but not quite - not Swedish but Austrian! My mother grew up in Vienna and moved to Belfast in 1969 (interesting time to move to Northern Ireland I might add - but she stayed!). So I was brought up bilingual and know how to make dumplings as well as an Ulster Fry!
I love animals too and recently turned vegetarian. When I have eaten meat in the past, I have tried to know where it's come from and have avoided eating meat from animals that weren't organically raised.

I have actually referred to an inspiring book and magazine on a number of occasions in some recent posts which you might be interested in. The magazine is Resurgence edited by Satish Kumar, who also wrote the book "You are therefore I am - a declaration of dependence". Kumar's approach to environmentalism is inspired by Gandhi and Schumacher's "Small is Beautiful". Kumar himself was a Jain monk before moving to the UK. He has a heartening and holistic approach to ecology and highlights the importance of gradually transforming our infrastructures of production and consumption to help build harmony amongst ourselves as a species and also between ourselves and the many other species we share the planet with.
You can look this stuff up on Google if it interests you. Thanks for your message.
best wishes
Ingrid :0)