Thanks for the response Eagle. Let me clarify. The part of Bobbie's program I'm talking about is not the seven steps. She has a routine of 30 or so stretching/ movement exercises followed by 20 minutes of meditiation/breathing technique to be performed twice a day. The purpose is to relase stress, strengthen the nervous system while refining your energy, which will begin to initiate intuitive abilities.

I had never heard of Qigong until recently - should have mentioned that. I got the Spring Forest Course after reading Chunyi Lin's "Born A Healer." Spring Forest Qigong follows a similar path as far as having an active portion followed by a meditative portion. Though I believe Chunyi calls both parts meditation.

I am interested to know if anyone in the LSC community or LSC staff has practiced both SFQigong and the Unlimited Futures routines and felt strongly one way or the other about their intuitive abilities being strengthened and stress level decreased?