It feels real, doesn't it? "You", I mean. A magnificent illusion!

As Paul asked, "To what extent am I the thinker of my thoughts?"

It's a wholly experiential kinda thing, and impossible to quantify--which, I guess, is why many people do not acknowledge it.

If you are looking to either expand your consciousness or become and intuitive genius and you have the Natural Brilliance Generator, why not try listening to side A every night before you go to sleep and side B every morning before you awaken? I think after a week, you'd start to 'experience' some noticable expansion.

It's not explicitly mentioned anywhere by Paul, but I believe that this tape installs a model of the Zen Mind onto its listener. I further believe that this is the most powerful, 'all-around' tape that Paul has produced. It is 100 tapes in one!

In the meantime,

Stay Cool