sorry its me again..

what about
"there's always a first time"
"what pours into a jug, the rest will pour out" - referring to so much of our brain thats being used
"human brains have taken over 2 million years to develop"
"its only taken a bacteria about 200 million years to develop into a constantly-regrowing-cells kind of organism that actually thinks for itself"
"humans are the only animals on the planet that can actually consider suicide"
"green apples are red apples"
"a picture is worth a thousand words"
"erase the negative side and the balance of full being will collapse"
"there's (some) nothing in life not(not true) worth living for"
"what more can a man want?" - man knows there's more, so what's the point of this??
"what you give is what you get" TRUE in every way.

so if you think bad karma is all it is. well, just think of all those barriers you have to argue with to get through. you could go as positively as you can and break through and achieve as much, "humans are a paradox" well I haven't got a lot against that! but it'd be a loooooonnnnng time by the time we can get to the perfect calm, the perfect sense of being who we are, - I'm not saying we haven't, just saying that we haven't been able to grasp and hold it for as long as possible. a lot of people are believed to have reached a "self-actualisation" like mother teresa and all that, but that's just the motely few. and furthermore, psychologists say that you have to reach calm in all levels of your being, how you cook, how you look after yourself, how you socialise, how you communicate, how you help out, how you gain knowledge, how you can get your dreams, how you get to the point of full satisfaction.... so when you say enlightening, even if you achieved it for a time, something always comes a snowballin' and you have to start all over again, but maybe with better knowledge and maybe getting better at it, but you'll never know whether its 'the peak' or 'your best'. I believe that the total realisation of this comes at a certain age when you have had just about anything that you thought you could wish for, and you start to dissipate into the withering prune ready to die cos every one that you truly know are up there.
I've had enough experience with my elders and that's always been the atmosphere. so accept it now you'll be in the pits quicker than you thought possible. it'd explain a lot of questions why so many young people (who have parents, friends, home, having little wrong with their lives other than not to far from being perfect!) are suicidal.
I could go on, and on, and on, but I'd like to know what you're thinking right now before i know what to go on. and besides if there isn't another post, i'll just think it's just another phase in my life where I'm out of sorts. and wanting to get this radical thinking outta my system.

miss eggy