Orgone energy, and related energy systems such as prana, mana, chi, OB, etc. are essentially the same - power given off by living creatures and contained in the universe, that is capable of being directed by the mind and emotions to achieve goals. If memory serves, orgone energy was the term applied by Reich (sp?) early in this century to describe the energy of sexuality (which in turn ties it intimately to prana and the first and second chakras of eastern traditions).

Various techniques for raising the level of vital energy of an individual or group of individuals includes things such as singing, dancing, chanting, rhythmic breathing, trance states, sexual excitation, etc. It should be noted that some, or all, of these practices formed the foundations of many ecstatic religions and helped lead the followers into union with their concept of the divine.

Much of the literature regarding this energy and its uses will mention inherent dangers in applying it. My experience, as well as those who I have investigated it with, is that the only danger is that it tends to amplify personality traits of the person attempting to use it, so if you are reasonably well balanced and are given to occasional introspection and self-adjustment, you should be fine. If not, you might find that personality traits that you do not particularly like get magnified.