Try this.

1. Get a sensory representation of you visualising. This is totally up to you: for me it's mainly a feeling of relese in my shoulders and fluidness behind my eyes, as well as a sort of humming feeling in my tummy, and a 'tuned in' sense above my head.

2. Imagine if you will that this sensory representation is actually intelligent, ready to serve, and connnected like the internet to every other soul on the planet. Supposing this to be true for an instant, ask the representation of your visualisation what it can to to become more vivid, more real, more exciting. OR just intend an answer to emerge feeligwise.. again, it's up to you. For me, I get a sense of a crystalline place wayabove my head where visualisations sort of 'emanate' from. I also get a feeling of being connected to nodes of imagery, like the internet, each with different potential images available and possible, each more or less vivid. I can go into the crystalline golden space aboveme and my imagining becomes CRYSTAL clear. Or I can imagine I am at a node where certain imaginations are more accessible.

4. Keep playing with this until you lose interest. For fun, ask the representation of your visualising if it would assist you in visualising better. See, feel or hear it's answer arisig out of what you've already got. For me I see a bunch of crystalline balls fall into my chest and neck, sortof like seeds, as a reply to my request. I have found this kind of dialog with your representations of things to produce awesome results.

5. Go read my posting on the Hartman Theorem above for further details.

