I am glad you asked that question. Neo-tech meaning Fully Integrated Honesty. Neo-tech is not based on dogmas, fixed ideas, or rules. It is a way of thinking that lets anyone profit in any given situation.

Yes they do guarrantee wealth. No wealth however can come without action, effort, and honesty. Its an philosophy, a no limit philosophy based on removing limitations that are a given in our world.

A good analogy is Neo-tech is like a puzzle of knowledge. You got bits and peices of knowlegde here and there. One peice doesn't quit make sense or look like anything, but when you start integrating and putting the peices together you see the whole picure who it is supposed to be. With such an wide view of knowledge you can more wisely choose actions that will bring about more rewarding results.

All godman means is being your own authority and calling your own shots. But having the knowledge to create values like a god.

Neo-tech does not have a fixed criterion or cook book recipe for wealth. It is just education. It can teach you how to grow to your full potential. Give a man a fish and he can eat today, teach a man to fish and he will eat the rest of his life.

It removes the lies this world has propageted us with, the lies that break up the peices of the puzzle, so without those lies the puzzle becomese one picture.

Its really about knowing life on a honest worldly level.

All I could say is don't knock till you try it. Its an experience that you would have to go through on your own. Like Neo on the matrix, no one can quite tell you, you just have to experience, its like a mental cleansing.