I was hoping you could point me to an article. Owning the CDs I think it would be great that my favourite one on the selection brings on the Awakened Mind pattern. Even the link within product sales 'details' does not point back to that.

Anna Wise's site has a mind mirror diagram of the Awakened Mind that is more of a coke bottle look. Compared to the brochure that came with the CDs for the Brainwave Suite which is a distinctive curve with heightened alpha/theta brainwave.

The only common point I've found; that Anna Wise states that the Awakened Mind pattern is brought about the Alpha/Theta entrainment and that particular CD from Dr Jeffrey Thompson happens to be an Alpha/Theta entrainment CD.

Not Even M/s Wise claims that her CD's will bring on the Awakened mind pattern.

On Disc 3 CD 3075 From the High performance Mind Set (2 Tracks)
Track 1 Accessing the Creativity of The High Performance Mind.(24:42
Track 2 The Bubble (21:22)
copyright 1998. The back cover states that..

These audio programs will guide you to develop the "high performance" brainwave state present in accomplished yogis, artist and many highly productive individuals.

Accessing the Creativity of The High Performance Mind provides guided imagery along with brainwave training to help you enter the High Performance Mind state. This program works to strengthen your capacity for problem solving and creative manifestation. The Bubble gives you and experience of the expansion and contraction of the "delta rada" that opens up the unconscious intuition and empathy.

The inside cover features the Brainwave Suite CD's as one of the products available from The Relaxation Company. The sales pitch reads...

Every state of mind has a unique pattern of brainwaves - composed of alpha, beta, delta and theta waves - which can be measured and mapped. Brainwave Suite blends subtle pulses of sound into the musical soundtrack, to stimulate your brain to produce waves with a pattern that matches the state of mind you want to experience.
(no mention of Awakened Mind)

Basically all the CDs in her collection are training to reach the High Performance Mind State.

The CD's were produced prior to 1999. Neither of the Publications with the CD's sets, the Brainwave Suite nor High Performance mind, make a claim that you will experience the Awakened Mind.

I think one must not overlook that these CD can help to achieve the Awakened Mind when one uses them for training. It would me misleading to think that the CD's alone would bring about that state... effort is still required on the part of the user.

To Quote M/s Wise from her Publication High Performance Mind copyright 1995 ISBN 0-87477-850-6 page 235

The first step toward mastering your brainwaves is learning to relax. Relaxation helps you master all of the other brainwave states. The optimum brainwave pattern, the awakened mind, is a combination of beta, alpha, theta, and delta brainwaves. Rather than going straight into pattern. it is often easier to first develop the meditation brainwave pattern, which is made up of alpha. theta and usually delta. ...

So rather than expecting CDs to do the work for you, you use them as a tool.

The CD sets both come from the Relaxation Company. If you want guided visualisation and don't mind someone talking in a flat voice to a group of people while you're using the CD's on your own High Performance mind.

If you just want brain entrainment CD's music and sounds where you are free to use whatever visualisation techniques you desire (you can even use Anna Wise' since they are written up in her book High performance mind). Then The Brainwave Suite would be the choice.

So far I have not found any form of brain entrainment that worked optimally for everyone every time. I dare say that is because we are all indiviuals... for me the High Performance mind CD's will not work because I find them uninteresting. However someone else might find them interesting and experience outstanding success with them the first time round.

Finding what works for you is a hit and miss affair. Dr Thompsons site does provide a sample of the CD's sound track one of the other samples might even be a better choice for you.
