Thanks Kaiden. I have the Relationship paraliminal, and I have used it only without commitment, just like I have been with my young lady friends. I have been confused about the use of visualization for the attraction of the right person for a long time, and I haven't really put in an effort to work it out, because it seems so magical.

My confusion began when I first listened to the Bantam Subliminal "You're irresistable, attract the women you want" tape, 12 years ago. One of the things it stated was that I should not focus on one woman, but should focus on the image of the woman I want to attract. Woah! what a mess! I had no commitment to any girl, my focus was on the image, and I just wanted it to get better and better. Of course, I lost the best of them, what else could I expect.

Now I am thinking the Relationship paraliminal is going to confuse me just as much. I feel that I could easily attract miss right, but I havn't got the skills to keep her, to really make the relationship grow. My Natural Brilliance(learning) is not functioning in the area of intimate relationship yet, besides I feel I have to make so many mistakes to get anywhere near average functioning in a healthy relationship, and no young lady wants to be part of those mistakes.

My comfort-zone is very small, and I feel that any effort I make with a tape like the Relationships paraliminal is superficial, and my comfort-zone will shrink back, very easily, to how it was before I started.

It's like I get out my hole, make some mistakes, hopefully learn something, crawl back in the hole with fear, lose the girl in the mean time. Get out the hole with another girl, and on and on. Trouble is it all happens very slowly, and I'm 29. I'm like a tortoise...I hide away and I'm slow. To me all women want a man who is going somewhere in life and I'm not going anywhere that fast. I'm moving forward, but gradually, it's like night-walking.

I'm interested to see what the guys and girls on this discussion forum have to say about what I've said.

Your help will be most appreciated.