Thanks Kaiden.

Good story. Funny thing is we have many of what we call Christmas Beetles flying around at this time of year. I've always been interested in insects, mainly butterflies. Never been interested in rats, ugh, disgusting! But insects are one of the most successful species on earth. I used to be called 'Ant' at school, quiet, but busy. A fantastic movie was 'Antz'. 'Insectopia' is where the hero of the story aimed for, he was a funny, charming guy, ended up with the Princess in 'Insectopia'. It's amazing how the feelings of the ant characters can be transfered to the viewer so intensely. I was actually elated when the Princess finally started loving the hero, and a leader had a change of heart. One day soon, movies will be made for therapeutic effect, wouldn't you agree?

Talking of Princes and Princesses...

I was thinking of intuitive decision-making and the process of choosing a special lady friend. How do I decide on one lady, when there are 25 million to choose from. A person with a completely and coldly logical mind would say test them all, and choose the best. But we know from experience that this is not how it works. We are not the only power working for our own good. So there is a way of decision-making when choosing a mate that is not purely logical. Tapping into our Higher Power is a good way to do it, as well as having gut feel for someone.

I have generally lost my gut feel, somewhere along the line I set myself up to override gut feel. I have been trying to recreate all the feelings and processes necessary to recreate my gut feel for a woman. Like knowing myself, developing myself emotionally. Some people in my past had the idea that love is purely a decision, WRONG! Love is a far more spiritual and emotional experience than just a mental decision. It's a lie that love is purely a decision. UGH! Love is partly a decision, but there are many processes that have to come into play.

So... I have been trying to get back to my primal nature , you cannot say that animals don't love, when you see puppies playing together. A dog gets deeply attached to it's owner.

All the logic becomes illogical when it comes to choosing a lover, we can have some preferences that we need and want met in a mate, but those preferences are met by our Higher Powers, and the person is placed in our path. All I have to do is LIVE IN LOVE, and nurture my "puppy" feelings.

So that's what I'm doing, but it is a slow process, like the speed of a tortoise. Maybe things are happening at a faster rate in the spiritual realm that I cannot begin to imagine.

Love is also like grease between gears.

Getting Greased!

[This message has been edited by Grant (edited January 03, 2003).]