I purchased the Speed Seduction course (I'm female), because I wanted to see what made it specific to men picking up on women.

I was sorely disappointed by the quality of the tapes. I kept thinking they'd been made in someones garage! I disliked that they were live (most of them) as it made it really hard to understand what was going on.

Overall, I didn't listen to many of the tapes because I was hoping for more concrete lessons. It seemed to be more full of examples and storytelling than anything.I could have missed a lot by not finishing the course.

Now, listening as a female made me realize just how important seduction & sex are to men. I realized how easily women fall for this stuff because it sounds so sincere, when it actuallity it's just lines from a book. I suppose if that's the lifestyle you want, then it would probably be great.

HOnestly, with regards to flirting, just being your self is a huge plus.

Speaking from the other side of things here
