I can understand, that it can be like a fake, when you use the Speed Seduction Course. I think just using lines from the course all the time, is silly. However, if you listened to all the tapes, you will learn to use a simple pattern, and then you can forget all about the lines. Getting more creative, and use your own lines.. And it all will become automatic over time. It's over time getting uncounsciosly when you want a women.

The pattern is:
1.Get her attention
2.Make bonding and connection feelings (by being open, or funny or...telling about it.. or)
3.Make her sexual turned on to you.
That's it.

First of all, lets remember. Speed Seduction is all about SEDUCTION, GETTING LAID. Not how you are in a loving relationship, with totally honesty. It's mostly for men, who want to get the most beautiful girls - in bed. Maybe you want more, here you maybe want to get honest with the women the rest of you life (to experience pure love, if it's that you want). Speed Seduction I think, is a way of persuasion & influency.

Tracey.. You told about it's just storytelling. What you learn to use in the speed seduction course is also storytelling. Did you know that storytelling (and metaphors) some of the most powerful ways of persuasion & indfluence with others? Especially when it's combined with NLP. Psychiatrists, salespeople etc. also use it a lot. Commercials also(!).

I will still hold on to, that some men are afraid of getting close to a woman (and yes, also to a woman, they have fallen in love with). I still think that NLP and seduction-methods etc. can be of great use. Help them, get what they want. And if it's true love they want: Help them to get close to a woman, help them to open up to a woman, if she is the one, and help them to be themselves - when they find the one.

So Tracey.. You don't have to suppose, that it's only seduction & sex I want!! Nobody can live without love(!).. a good thing to remember also.

Being oneself can be a plus. But some men are, hope I don't offend anyone, are afraid of even trying to approach a women, and will probably never experience true love - maybe. For those men (and I have read some posts here, which tells me there are), I can also recommend this site:

With THOUSANDS of THOUSANDS of seduction tips. Also with links to "Speed Seduction", "Double Your Datings" etc.

Good hunting and good luck - Have fun.