Murof ..

You make excellent points in your last point. I did want to expound a bit more on WHY I became interested in the course.

I think that women, as much as men, want to have a good time and have a no strings fling. It's just not as common in women I think because society tends to tell us that we shouldn't do that. I think that guys are mistaken when they feel that women aren't interested in the same things as they are. We are all sexual creatures, we are bombarded with sex everywhere we go. We are taught from a very early age that it is "good" to find a nice young man and settle down. It's not as bad as it was probably 20 years ago, but it's still very much ingrained in society. Look at bridal magazines .. ever see anyone in those over the age of 18? Not usually! What about models? The represent all that women should be, long legged, thin and have super smiles. But, this isn't a rage against society and gender bias .. it's just a thought that if you stop looking at the opposite sex as some unknown creature, you'll be a lot more comfortable.

Because remember this .. females, they burp, they pass gas, and they have bowel movements. Pardon the bluntness, but it's true. We do the same things guys do .. but we are supposed to pretend we don't so that guys don't get grossed out. Good grief!

Now, I didn't actually mention love anywhere in my post, since this excursion wasn't/isn't about love. To the comment about men needing confidence to approach a woman he is in love with, totally make me roll my eyes. You cannot be in love with someone you aren't close to. If you believe you are in love, you just might have a few other problems on your hands other than getting close to women.

I also wanted to comment on the point where you say: "Nobody can live without love." I'll agree with that, but seduction and sex are not love. They can be done out of love, but Speed Seduction methods are rarely used in love, I would say lust in majority of the cases.

Ever see the movie "Tao of Steve" ? Fantastic movie, this guy believes that in order to get a woman to sleep with you, you have to stop wanting it. Really good way of thinking .. his is a bit more warped but the general ideas are pretty good.

This topic has gotten a bit offtrack from Grants original flirting topic .. but I think it all stems from the same things.

Being comfortable around women isn't as difficult as men seem to want to make it. Being yourself is easy. Being with someone else can also be easy as long as you realize they aren't mythical creatures. They are HUMAN!
