Loving yourself will not stop rejection. It will allow you to accept that some people just do not click with each other.

I don't honestly believe in rejection. I don't take it so personally to think that when I ask someone out or become interested in someone that it even really has anything to do with me! I've found that very often, it's THEM. I may not fit THEIR list of criteria, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong.

It doesn't mean that I should change who I am and be someone different, it just means I need to find someone that meshes with me.

I'm always reminded of the lightbulb story .. he didn't fail 9,999 times, he found 9,999 different ways NOT to make a lighbulb. I'm the same way .. I've found ways NOT to have relationships. I take from each and learn from each and each successive try is very often better.
