
Wow. I must admit that I'm suprised by your last post.

"I feel sorry for you. You wrote:"I've found ways NOT to have relationships.".. That sounds more like being affraid of it, than wanting a true honest relationship!"

I don't believe I fear relationships. The statement about finding ways not to have relationships is based purely on the fact that the relationships I've had have not worked for very specific and different reasons. They are things that I know do not meet my needs for a relationship so I know now that I can't have those things in a relationship (i.e. partner using drugs, partners lying, partners constantly laying blame and placing jealousy on the relationship, etc). I don't honestly believe that I've been afraid of the relationships, but that I knew they were not components that made up happy relationships. I can't have an open and honest relationship with someone who does not want the same thing. It takes two to make it work.

I haven't been "screwed" in the past, I don't choose to believe that about anything I've done. I learn from everything and take the best pieces with me and move on. I don't dwell on it.

As for your feeling sorry for me, that is your choice. I don't feel sorry for myself because I haven't found the right person to be with, and I don't feel sorry for others who haven't either. If you've been blessed and found the person who meets your needs, that's wonderful but don't feel pity for others who haven't. We find people in our timing, not the timetable of society or our peers.
