I heard from this web site that paraliminals work the best. But unfortunately for things I am looking to do there is not a paraliminal for it. I am looking to improve my eyesight, be more decisive and make good decisions, be more intuitive, improve concentration, be neat and organized, and meditate and relax. From this web site, I have heard that Inner Talk(www.innertalk.com also Eldon Taylor's tape), Holosync from Centerpointe, Sedona Method, and MindTek were good.

Right now I am test driving Keen Vision by InnerTalk. I have used for about a week one hour a day at least. I am overly impressed by their customer service though. They replied to most of my emails. I would say their customer service on a scale of 1 to 10 is a 4 or 5 in my opinion. I mean on their web site they really dont advertise support or say you can call or email for support just like they do on this web site or Centerpointe. This could be a company with great products but very little support. I am going to test drive them for 3 more weeks to see if I notice any change in my eyesight. One good thing about this company is that their single tapes dont cost a lot. So, you can get started with little money with this company. Right now I dont believe I have noticed its effects on me besides a little relaxation maybe. ONe of the other good things about this tape is that you can listen to it while doing other things. So, you dont have to sit there for an hour in just one place.

I noticed in the posts a lot of people do Centerpointe or Holosyn here. I went to their web site and their guarantee seems to be better than everyone else which is 1 year. They seem to be a company that mainly customizes their tapes? They say they help you reach deeper levels of meditation quicker or they are best for that. They are the first company that I heard of that provides coaching and follow up. I know Learning Strategies provides coaching. But I don't really know about follow up. I am guessing with paraliminals no but maybe with their courses like Photo reading, Spring Forest Qiqong, Genius Code and most likely from their seminars. They customize their tapes for you. One caveat about this company seems to be cost like $159. But I guess that is what you get for the 1 year guarantee, coaching and follow up, and customization. The cost of their program makes me hesitate. I am thinking about their option but $75 to $85 seems quite a bit to pay off to.

I hear that a lot of people here like the Sedona method. But I dont know if they are subliminals or whole brain technology. I think they are good for relieving stress. They charge like $250 which is a little steep for me now.

Yesterday on a post I heard somebody felt Mind Tek is the most powerful. I think their web site www.mind-tek.com. I am not sure about their products and they do seem a little expensive. I was wondering if I can get feedback from people who have used it?

Right now I do want to progress further in life. I am unemployed and I am not sure what I want to do in life right now. I am also looking for tape that would help with this to. I was wondering if you guys could tell me what you felt were the most powerful subliminals and whole brain technology tapes and program?. I realize paraliminals would come out on top but I may have to say besides paraliminals because they dont have tapes for things that I am looking to do.

I am thinking if a tape is a little expensive or expensive but it is the most powerful I may end up buying after I test drive the Keen Vision tape and my other paraliminal. I am taking cost into consideration along with other things. I mean if cost is high but quality is best than it maybe worth considering to try the most expensive product. But I am trying to save on pennies.

Any feedback would be appreciated. I wish everybody good luck on their progress.

So, what are the best and most powerful subliminal and whole brain tapes? I am hoping I can find one where i can feel the effects fast. Feel it happening soon.


[This message has been edited by sjaykum1 (edited January 05, 2003).]