Okay, thanks for the information. I did a little more research. Bud Lowery must have something good if it's how Centerpointe got it's root's.

But, I must say they need a new website!!! Also, why aren't they advertising everywhere if they have a patient on this technology. I mean this guy worked for the government, right?

I found another good referral on him here http://www.lifechangetips.com/resources.html

This man claims these are the only subliminals that worked for him. So, I ordered a few CD's for the Silent Effect. I will post my thoughts on these after awhile of using.

Good Article Here: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/pages/mindcontrol.html

Anyone using a BrainWave generator? I just downloaded it today. Any thoughts on this software?

Thanks for all the opinions and help,


[This message has been edited by quest4truth (edited March 31, 2003).]