The series was "The Master." It was ok for an 80s TV show, but not a realistic portrayal of ninpo. I rented a few episodes at a video store a couple years ago, so you should be able to find them if you want to. For realistic ninja movies check out the "Shinobi No Mono" movies at . While there are ninpo practitioners all over the world today, it is a Japanese style. All true ninja were Japanese. The arts that became ninjutsu did come from the Chinese Tang Dynasty, but they were not really ninjutsu at that point. Many countries and cultures had warriors that filled similar roles as the ninja but that does not make them ninja. In modern times we have special forces like the Green Berets and Navy SEALS.

If you want more information in greater detail you may wish ti check out . There are people on the ninjutsu forum that are much more knowlegable in ninpo, especially the history, than I am.

[This message has been edited by Dosetsu (edited April 21, 2003).]