
"What does IIRC mean?"

If I remember correctly.

"You are right about private lessons in anything will run up in costs. What concerns me is that my lessons may not be totally private, he mentions I might train with someone else also."

From what you told me, it seems that for the slightly higher price he'll train you and a friend and you split the costs.

"I guess for person who wants to save money a dojo is the best thing. I am thinking sparring or training with others is usually best. But private lessons are good if you are preparing for a big tournament or if you have an irregular schedule."

A combination is good. My classmates who did have private lessons were also the best students.

"Did you train one on one with your instructor."

I did at the times I was the only one to show up. I prefer a class of at least 4 people.

"Right now your school seems to have the best price. It had the best price with your first dojo. I can sort of see how having the best price can hurt the practitioner. "

A for-profit dojo, if the instructor does his business well, would be more stable and allow the instructor to devote much of his time to the dojo.

"Did they say if Frank Dux's kumite story was made up? I remember he and Van Damme got into a lawsuit."

I don't really know anything about the Kumite or the Van Damme lawsuit.


I'll try to get the Photoreading recall and test taking techniques written up tomorrow or the next day. I'll post it in the Photoreading forum. I'll re-write it so it would be easier to understand and update it. My original one was written years ago on Mindlist which at the time was a bunch of guys experiementing with NLP and developing new techniques. That article assumed that the reader had NLP Practitioner level skills.