An update on this technique. For the last few weeks, a computer at the office i work for has been having serious problems and eventually a very important program was destroyed. We were not able to reload it since the disk was lost. I was not able to find it using my techniques, probably for two reasons. One was that I was under lots of stress and the second was that I hadn't been practicing the alpha state lately and was a bit rusty on using Silva's technique for finding things. This morning I found out this vital software would cost over $2,500.00. I've been working on direct learning all week and decided to do a direct learning project on intuition. Right after I made that decision I got up and walked across the office to the exact place the disks were misplaced. I did not really know why I went there as I was planning on doing the search the next day after doing the direct learning project. I guess the unconscious has other ways of activating these skills. The physical searching took many hours and several people and the place is still a mess and was a failure. This unconsious mental search took seconds and worked.