I've only done 7 direct learning projects since the 9th. Briefly what you do is photoread a group of books with the intent of having the learnings from those books directly influence your behavior. I've only been doing this a little over a week so I haven't had much feedback yet.

IMO what happened was that after I could not find the disks after several days of searching I decided to do a direct learning project on intutition in part to help me find the disks and right after I made that decision I knew unsconsiously where the disks were. My guess is that I had a block to my intution in this case and just deciding to do the project was in a sense activating the information like you would activate what you have photoread. I did not photoread those books until after work that night.

For books you know you want (as opposed to books you need to look at first) you might try ordering from Amazon. I started buying from Amazon this year and I usually save 30% per book and don't have to pay tax or shipping. It usually takes a couple weeks to get them though but so does ordering from a bookstore.