There are some variables in using Applied Kinesiology. Foremost is that the individuals using it must calibrate at 200 or above Level of Consciousness (LOC). Music in the background, preconceived ideas, and the specific wording of the statement are among some of the other factors to consider.

FAQs About Kinesiology
This document addresses Frequently Asked Questions about kinesiology. It draws from
the writings and talks of Dr. Hawkins on the topic.
Q: What exactly is kinesiology, and how does it work?
A: Kinesiology is a way of testing muscle strength in the physical body to determine a
response to an inquiry. Most commonly, it involves two people, a tester and a
subject, and uses the deltoid muscle of the subject’s shoulder to ascertain the
response. Demonstrations of Dr. Hawkins conducting kinesiologic testing may be
seen in his two-volume video tape entitled “Power vs. Force.”
Dr. Hawkins states that kinesiology really does only one thing: it detects truth or its
Q: Dr. Hawkins suggests in Power vs. Force that kinesiology is a tool available to
everyone. Does it, in fact, work equally well for all people?
A: In his June 2002 lecture in Sedona, Dr. Hawkins stated that about 10% of the general
population cannot do kinesiology at all, because of imbalances in their chi energy.
Beyond that, keep in mind also that Dr. Hawkins has also indicated in his lectures
that only people in integrity — that is, those who calibrate above 200 on his Map of
Consciousness — may expect to have reliable results with kinesiology. (This means
both the tester and the subject.) Since only 22% of the earth’s population calibrates
above 200 at present, most people on the planet will not be able to use it reliably.
For those in integrity, there are several factors that may impact consistently reliable
Q: What are those factors?
A: They include the following:
§ The intention of the question is paramount. It, like the persons doing the testing,
must be above 200 on Dr. Hawkins’ Consciousness scale.
§ Ask permission to do a calibration. (Make a statement such as, “We have
permission to ask about this,” and once you have a positive response, then test
your statement.)
§ The person must be prepared to deal with the answer to his/her question. (This
matter may be handled by the asking of permission.)
§ Remove jewelry, watches, eyeglasses, if they appear to make a difference in your
§ Don’t listen to music while calibrating. Avoid visual distractions; some imagery
may affect results.
§ Use as little pressure as necessary to detect a response in the subject’s arm. The
subject needs to resist with only enough resistance to counter the downward
§ Look for internal consistency. (Responses should be uniformly consistent within
yourself and with the frame of reference of Dr. Hawkins’ Map.)
§ While it’s possible to do kinesiologic testing by yourself, Dr. Hawkins advises to
do it with another person, particularly for very important issues.
§ Do the thymic thump if you seem to be getting continuous errors. (The thymic
thump is a stimulation of the thymus gland. The thump is done by lightly
thumping the area over the top portion of the breast bone with your fist, while
thinking of something positive, smiling, and saying “Ha” with each thump. Do
three thumps in rapid succession three times (total of nine thumps).
§ Be sure you’re calibrating in reference to Dr. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. In
the beginning, it’s helpful, as Dr. Hawkins writes, to specify the key threshold
levels of the Map to ensure that you’re connected to its frames of reference.
§ It can take time to develop accuracy and consistency with kinesiology. Be patient.
§ Calibrations should be done using statements, not questions.
§ Ask only about things that exist now or in the past (not the future).
Q: Why don’t I get the same results in my calibrations as Dr. Hawkins?
A: Dr. Hawkins has done close to 300,000 different calibrations over decades. He has
stated that after doing these for so long, one develops a fabric of understanding
about one’s area of research. Remember that his experience gives him a unique
proficiency with kinesiology. Rather than attempt to replicate his results, it can be
more useful to focus on issues and concerns more immediate to your needs.
Q: Is there any one factor more important than any other in kinesiology?
A: Dr. Hawkins’ writings and talks point to intention as paramount, as stated earlier.
Dr. Hawkins refers to the benefit of having a deep love for truth (May 2002 lecture).
In doing kinesiology, more than wanting to have consistently reliable results, more
than wanting to establish corroborative findings, more than wanting the tool of
kinesiology to perform in a certain way, it may be more helpful instead to focus on
what it is that the tool detects.
Q: Is kinesiology impacted by the level of consciousness of the tester? For example,
could someone calibrating at 400 get a different number or answer than someone
calibrating at 205?
A: Generally, no — however, it does happen when the subjective meaning of the
statement differs to people of different levels. For instance, what is meant by “good”
for people? Does it mean gain? Health? Success? Or love and power? Greater
specificity in the statement brings more accurate answers.



[This message has been edited by rhammond2k (edited July 23, 2003).]