Hi Alex,

there was a time when I was diligently going to class and the going home to practice....daily. But I wasn't getting any better than before. Every time I would go to class it was very dejecting...it was always "nope...that's not right". My instructor is very black-or-white. Either it's 100% correct or it isn't.

So after a while of training a lot and then going to his house to train to learn more only to find out everything I had been doing, and all that time I had spent training at home...was all wrong.

At this time is when he would say I have too much ego.

Over the last year I have been looking weithin....asking myself why I am not progressing the way I want. I have dropped my training big-time...instead I am reflecting and trying to get my mind right....because, from before, I learned that spending hours training at home simply wasn't getting me anywhere.

As far as what you mentioned on procrastrinating...I don't think that's the case, nor what he means when he says "ego". It's more along the lines of trying to have "me in control"...thinking too much, etc.....something along those lines.