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Dear 411,
I,ve read your comments on this forum and one of the first things that strikes me is very simply this. For over 30 years I've studied and applied every type of selfhelp I could find. I've gone through the tedious process of finding what worked best and what didn't. Over time, and with much note taking, I started seeing absolute similarities within the processes that got results. Then I started comparing the best processes in an effort to distill the essence of what made them work. The bottom line, after all this work, is that your mind creates your life experience. Next, the most important rule is that the life experience you create will depend ONLY upon what you are focusing your mind on. Every thought is energy directed to create something. If you are focusing on the negative aspects of your life then you are really just reinforcing these aspects. If you want to get rid of these aspects you must start focusing on what you want - NOT what you don't want. Now, it's true that if you've created a mess in your life you must clean it up - but do not put any more emotional energy into it. Even pursueing various methods of selfhelp is acknowledging that you have problems you cannot solve by working with your own mind/thinking. This in itself will continue to reinforce the belief you have that you have problems. The only way out is by taking the time and conscious awareness to create more empowering beliefs to replace the negative/fearful beliefs. It takes time but if done consistently, only a fraction of the time it took to get you where you are now. There are no quick fixes. It has been your own thought patterns which have brought you to your present point, and the results are clearly evident. Using the same process in a positive way will also bring positive results. Consider that you did not need any type of program to create the negative results in your life, so why should you require one to get positive results? Just do what you've been doing with your mind all along but in a positive way. It is all about the thoughts you ALLOW yourself to keep thinking which makes all the difference. It is not complicated - the simplest most direct methods always work the best. The key is to apply the methods consistently.

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Hi Zabiam,

Great post !

"The mot important factor determining the results you get in life is what you focus on, wether you focus on getting it, or on not getting it. Whatever you represent in your mind (even something you don't want), your mind says "OK, I can do that", and starts working on creating that in your life."

That's from Bill Harris, and that's one of the messages he keeps on harping on, endlesly trying to word it in new ways so the message has a chance to get through, throughout his articles, courses, answers to mails, etc...



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Hi, I'm new to this board. I've been a meditator for about 25 years (TM and TM Siddhis) I just started using Holosync about 8 months ago out of curiosity. It is a very pleasant experience and very powerful, however I have not had any major breakthroughs perhaps because I've already had many through my TM Siddhis program. I've also become quite interested in what is called the Integral Transformative Practice (ITP)which I think holds extraordinary value for all because it's aim is to treat all aspects of being: mind, body, spirit in an integral approach.
Holosync is one form of growth therapy. It is not a cure all. It is not going to solve all of the issues and make everything right. If you are having major upheavel then sometimes it is a good idea to look into working with an therapist as well and use Holosync less often until some of the issues that are surfacing during holosync have been resolved and integrated. Balancing current emotional/psychological issues is foremost as well as maintaining good health through somekind of centering exercise such as tai-chi, yoga etc. Also, diet, community involvement of some kind. You might want to check this link as an introduction to ITP It might help guide you to where you want to go.


Originally posted by king411:
Hi guys...i am a new poster to this board and i've just read the thread entiltled "Holosync or Sedona Method?"
since a lot of you are aware of both programs i figured you are the people to talk to.....firstly, i have used both the Holosync and Sedona Method programs....after reading many of your posts on Holosync, i would say that i agree with most of you that Holosync is vastly overrated....infact, i suspect there's something 'fishy' about that course but i don't know what...i have used the Awakening Prologue since April 4th, 2003 and i have also undergone the 1st of Bill Harris's latest teleconference seminars...i am curently on the second teleconference seminar, and what have i received foe all this? NOTHING...ZERO! infact, my results haven't been neutral in the least; they've been rather neagtive...i have experienced emotional upheaval/pain as well as physical upheaval on pretty much an everyday system has not come any closer to getting used to the Holosync stimulus throughout this time (and it's been over a year)...there were times when i felt like commiting suicide due to the acute emotional pain i'd experience from using Holosync, and mentally, i've felt in the past year like i'm dumber as well as physically more lethargic...basically, my life before Holosync was much better than it is now, and even then it wasn't that i've decided to stop because i'm getting worse because of Holosync, i've decided to follow the example of some of you and stop Holosync, but now i'm stuck and confused...i mainly used Holosync because i am suffering from a lot of 'internal resistance' - Bill Harris promised me that Holosync would resolve this, but i am now realizing this is BS!! you see, consciously, i have been very desperate for change for the past 4 years, but internally i have always struggled with ('resisted') personal growth, and i've noticed that my inner force is more powerful than my conscious desire to grow and change because the Sedona Method, Releasetechnique, Natural Brilliance, Invisible Path to success (basically every course Bill Harris endorses) as well as several paraliminals, and nothing works for me ..this is so depressing because all these courses seem to work for everybody else, especially the Sedona Method - now, i know that the problem is internal, but i don't know what to do - so can anybody please enlighten me as to what to do?
Thank you!

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[QUOTE]Originally posted by iI:
[It is not a cure all. It is not going to solve all of the issues and make everything right.

After 8 months on Holosync how do you know it is not a cure all etc. On what basis have you come to this conclusion. Is it from your own personal experience?

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I am new to this forum, and have read this thread with interest, as I am a Holosync user. I have just today started Purification level 1. This is the 6th set of CD's in the series.

I have a few comments relating to various pieces of posts previous.

I have only been doing the program for 19 months, which is quite a short period of time compared to the guidelines given for length of time using each level.

I am a naturally enthusiastic responder when I find something that appeals to me and in this case Holosync did, and also, it seems to be working for me.

The discussion about the starting levels seems relevant ---- I just knew when I needed to go on to the next level ---- and sometimes, i would jump ahead a few CD's just for one session, to feel the difference -- which I could.

After starting each new level, after about a week, i notice that i go into a crisis of some kind. This is consistent for me throughout all the levels. I call it 'stirring the pot' --- and everything comes bubbling out. At the time it is not that pleasant, but passes rather quickly, especially once i realise that this is what is happening.

I believe that Holosync has made a major impact on my life. However, I must say, that I have not only used the CD's but have studied the priciples of conscious change that Bill Harris teaches with the CD's. I have also done the teleconference courses that were mentioned in an earlier post.

On the contrary to the poster on this topic, I have found it most helpful.

I am a psychologist/homoeopath, and use the 'principles' with my clients without the CD's, and combine the work with other aspects of therapy that I have learned along the way, and have achieved marvelous results for all my clients who have decided to take this approach to healing.

It is a form of self-empowerment -- giving another vantage point to view events --- it has worked for me, and for my clients.

Some of my clients have asked me what i do, and when telling them about Holosync, they have chosen to buy the program.

I do not have the skills or the time to create my own programmes of this kind, so was happy to pay for it to be already done.

I have had quite a change in my 'personality' since beginning the program and the training. A good descriptor that may elucidate is that I am not phased by very much any more, seem to respond rather than react to events, and do not palliate myself when issues surface, but use the techniques offered by the program to deal with things and change them forever (I hope!).

I do not feel that Bill Harris or his CD's are a fraud --- as I know they work --- but I have noticed that no two people will have the same experience from the program.

I am looking forward to progressing through the program, and feel that it is safe and well supported.

I am sorry for the poster previously who has had no apparent gain, and aggravation from using the program. I would think that maybe you have some deepseated problems that you may need to seek assistance to remove, or work at removing --- This is what i do with my clients. If they are using Holosync, I encourage them to ring me if things come up whilst using, that they are struggling with. I support their process --- and Centrepointe does as well, as they have support workers who will discuss things on the phone if needed and will reply to emails if needed.

No program is perfect for everyone as has been stated.

I personally would not recommend this program or any program like it to anyone I suspected had serious problems that would need supervising if embarking on such a program. It does stir the pot, and one never knows how powerful an aggravation that may cause, and it could be dangerous if not assisted.

I tried the first CD of Purification today, and it is indeed much more powerful than the one I just finished. I know I can most likely look forward to another aggravation of things left to deal with within the next week. I personally look forward to these, as I see them as clearing the way.

Bill Harris may have become wealthy because of his company, but i don't begrudge him that --- he has provided me with a wonderful tool of development --- and the benefits in my abilities have been marked.

I am emotionally more centred, psychically more active, and physically shifting from where I have been to hopefully a better place. I am able to influence others, with integrity in a more powerful way due to the program and the CD's.

I am grateful.

I have tried Hemisync sporadically, and I do feel the effects, however, it does not seem to have the slow build up that Holosync incorporates, and which suits me.

Hope this has been of assistance to some who may like to hear a positive outcome



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Thanks for sharing your experience. You have mentioned that you do not recommend
hs for those with deep-rooted problems.

That was the main reason why I started hs namely to clear out those deep rooted problems/causes which are hard to get through other techs. So far it is working fine
for me. I am currently on P3./ 0.3 and have never skipped a level or immersion level.

During AL2 – AL4 a lot of problems surfaced and I contacted a professional processor to help me clean up those cases. (done by phone)
However, I think that hs cleans up my problem areas deeper and fuller because with
conventional processing tools mainly some triggers are removed. (there will be more
to be activated at any time)

Since then only a few problems surfaced and I haven’t used his help for a long time.


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Thanks for sharing your experience. You have mentioned that you do not recommend
hs for those with deep-rooted problems.

That was the main reason why I started hs namely to clear out those deep rooted problems/causes which are hard to get through other techs. So far it is working fine
for me. I am currently on P3./ 0.3 and have never skipped a level or immersion level.

*******Hi Frodo02

I guess what I really meant with regards to 'deep problems' was when there may be serious so called pathology.

Sometimes, if there are situations/emotional states that can be labelled with names for the sake of diagnosis and communication, that if they surface without supervision can tip people over the edge. This is possible with hypnosis as well.

Also, there is in my opinion a psycho-physical-dynamic plane within all problems, and where there is an emotional disturbance of a particular kind there will also be a corresponding organ affected. In my line of work, it has become obvious that not all organisms can handle the 'healing crisis' as easily as others, and some expire in the process - thankfully none of my clients so far :-)

I know this sounds serious, and it is, in some cases.
When I hear someone complain that they have tried everything for years and years to help them, and nothing has helped, this indicates to me that they need intervention from someone who may be able to find what the block is. Holosync is great for my problems, and for most of the people I know who use it, but there is one client I have, who has a diagnosable delusional disorder, who has not benefited as he would like. I have had to treat him concomitantly homoeopathically and psychotherapeutically in order to uncover the blocks. This is not easy in some conditions.

This does not mean that someone in his postion will not benefit from Holosync, but the progress is not as satisfying ---- maybe it is part of their condition that prevents the benefits from being evident? or they have expectations that are not within the realms possible from the program.
It is not a magic bullit as you know --- and if you are at P.3 you would have some 'tales' to tell on insights and experiences whilst using.

It is a complex situation --- none of us are the same. Each of us has a past that has created the present. Sometimes, just putting headphones on and doing the program is not enough. In these instances i would recommend as I have mentioned, that soemone get help from a professional of some kind.

I had a client just now who would not be able to handle any more input into her problems, and in her case, Holosync could push her into the abyss. I can do the work with her on becoming conscious and uncovering the core issues, and maybe when her threshold is a little higher she could be introduced to the program.

Just a few thoughts



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I realized after posting my thread that you might have had those clinical cases in mind.

I agree that those people should ask their
Doc before entering such a program. I think
there is something written about this when we ordered Awakening Level 1.

By the way until the end of 1995 consulted a classic homeopath. I was his patient for ten years visiting nearly every month. The result was tremendous. Also I did not have any serious disaeses I beame very fit. I don't even get strong colds anymore. I told him that he was my health insurance. The costs for the treatment very very reasonable
actually less then a health insurance.

At that time I was also doing some tech in the human potential movement e.g. Idenics,
NLP, TA etc...
He told me that he did not believe in those techs. For him only homeopahty could solve emotional and charater problems.

Unfortunately, he died in December 95 at the tender age of 72.


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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Frodo02:

By the way until the end of 1995 consulted a classic homeopath. I was his patient for ten years visiting nearly every month. The result was tremendous. Also I did not have any serious disaeses I beame very fit. I don't even get strong colds anymore. I told him that he was my health insurance. The costs for the treatment very very reasonable
actually less then a health insurance.

*****I am pleased that it has kept you well --- I have never seen a client every month for that length of time --- maybe an unusual situation?

At that time I was also doing some tech in the human potential movement e.g. Idenics,
NLP, TA etc...
He told me that he did not believe in those techs. For him only homeopahty could solve emotional and charater problems.

******I use NLP and hypnosis and various other techniques that have picked up over the years. I definitely see these as useful tools. Have recently been investigating the theories of Dr. Hamer on disease --- this is quite exciting information for someone in my profession with an interest in mind/body medicine.
Not sure if I agree with your homoeopath about techniques as above.

I don't always need to prescribe homoeopathics for my cases. Sometimes the shifts can happen with other methods. If there are serious blocks though, remedies do help as does the teachings that come with the Holosync program. I find them particularly useful with many of the clients who find their way to my door. Many of them are looking for direction, and as I do both Psych and Hom and personal development, I seem to attract particular kinds of clients who are ready for this kind of work.

As I mentioned earlier, got my new set of CD's for Purification level 1 yesterday, and listened to the Dive just once. Interesting that all day today, I could feel the aggravation/irritation that it stirred up. I was quite surprised, as the previous level had done its work.
In this instance, i will not listen again until this aggravation passes - but am extremely pleased to have the opportunity once again to look at what surfaces. It is indeed an interesting journey :-)



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The only thing I find strange in your thread is that you are emphasising that you are skipping levels in the hs program.

That is certainly not in line with CRI's recommendations and so far most participants who did this did not receive the full benefits of the program.

There was one lady (you can read her thread somewhere here) who went thru the program in
only seven years rather then the recommended
10 1/2 years. She complaint that she did not get the expected results.

I doubt that your techs are powerful enough to compensate for the lack of intrainment via hs.

Of course that's only my opinion.


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