With eye accessing cues, calibrate.

Ask questions that require someone to think a certain way, visually, auditorily, kinesthetically, whatever.

When you get their patterns down, you can then ask questions like, "Is that an image you're looking at there? What do you see?"

You can basically help people get conscious of what is unconscious. And, if you're sneaky, you can manipulate people's thinking by gestures and analogue vocal marking that tells them what to do.

I can register that someone has a mental image, or they are talking to themselves inside, etc. I can then ask questions regarding their mental processes and learn about it, thus having a greater influence over their mental processes.

Think of it this way, when you interact with a person, you are walking inside of their minds. Their minds are projecting their internal universe in 3D space around them. You can stand right in front of someone and they won't see you because an image is between you and them. Watch people when they space out and describe scenes, watch how their eyes focus and defocus. You can tell they are looking at something yonder, or right next to them. Or when they are talking to themselves or hearing a voice, their body will orient to listen.

After a while, you can sort of start to see and hear what is going on inside their minds. The more you do that, I think, the more influence you have.

Influence can be a good thing. I am not just talking about manipulation here. I am talking about a dialogue that deepens and deepens over time. Because the more you affect them, the more they affect you. So, as the process continues, you and the other can really get somewhere. Sometimes people are not used to having others so deep inside their thinking, to have someone there with them inside the thinking process. You can have a dialogue, and you both can end up thinking about things in ways you never have. What was a dead process becomes alive again.

This is, I think, part of what therapy is all about. Bringing life to a dead decision, belief, or thought.

You can influence someone deeply in a short amount of time. Thing is, people have many continual influences on them. Family hypnosis will always win, I believe that is a quote from someone ... don't remember who.

This is why cults want to get you away from your family and friends, because they want to control the influences upon you.

Certain changes can be difficult to make, no doubt. But here the example of the engineer applies. There was a ship that was having massive problems. They bring in an engineer. He goes to the engine room, asks them to describe the problem. Looks around. Checks gauges and what not. Feels along various pipes. Sniffs the air. He then grabs a wrench and whacks a certain pipe with it. The problem disappears.

He gives them the bill, and they are flabbergasted. "$3002.00? How do you explain this.?" "The 2 dollars was for hitting the pipe with the wrench. The 3 thousand was for my knowledge of knowing exactly where and how to hit."

The emphasis on eye movements makes a larger statement about the entire human physiology. The entire body is involved in the thinking process. Therefore, it reveals information about the thinking process. Because people process information in internal maps that, with the internal senses, mimics reality, they will react with their bodies to that second reality (their map) and the way it is coded. The more you open your senses to that, the more information you get about someone, the deeper you are able to connect.