I'll start rigth off, whilst this is still ni my memory, and make it brief as well.

Two other people stare through a kind of telescope or something.The telescope is pointing at a window with a cross in it, so it's divided into four little segments (you know, the kind of windows you drew as a kid, when drawing a house).

The first person said: "oh yeah, I see a little bit of him"
The second person looks into the telescope: "yes, I can make him out as well.

I can't think what they're talking about.They must be seeing somebody standing in the window.

It's my turn to look.

I cannot see a darn thing, and I just say "there's nothing there, for pity sake, it's a blank windows with a cross through it, there's no man there."

Then something inside of me, almost made me alter my stance somewhat, and peer through the telescope, standing slighly more to the right, so I was seeing the object at a slightly different angle.

Suddenly the man started to appear.I said "yes yes, I can start to see him"
I was buzzing that I could see him.He started to appear more and more, from top to bottom.
The image ended at his midsection.

Although I'm not religious, this figure was, I am sure, Jesus.It was drawn like a child would draw, in stickman style, but slightly better.It had the longisg hair, and angelic features.

It sure was an odd dream, but I know where it came from, I'm sure.

At work, I sit in the same place every day.It's my favourite place to sit, so I go there.I went to work yesterday, and sure enough, I sat in the same place.But no the same seat.
For some reason, my seat had gone missing, and there was this different seat there.

So anyway, I sat in this new seat.The thign was, this seat was adjusted at a different angle than I'm used to, and I couldn't change it.Although the difference in angle was hardly noticeable to most people, I always notice the slightest of changes.
While I was working at my desk, I looked around the room, as I usually do from time to time (let's the eyes rest from staring into a screen) the room looked different.
I noted to myself that I was seeing things in a different perspective.It was strange how I noticed things that I had never paid attention to before, even though I've been looking out into the same room for months.
It was as though I was in a different room.
Even the people looked different.Their expressions, their mood, it's hard to explain fully.Even I ahd a smile on my face, because I was amazed at the difference.
And all of this through sitting in a seat which was angled back slightly differently to my usual seat.

So, the thing which happened in reality (or was I daydreaming?) in my office, and the lucid dream I ahd at night, seem to show the same example.

By altering your perspective on things, ever so slightly, you can make things appear that you couldn't see before.

The applications of this insight are far-fetching.Yes I've heard many times people say "look at things differently" blah blah, but when you've ahd this insight yourself, it's has so much more depth and meaning.

A question arises from my above example.

I've been reading Unconscious Intelligence by William James Sidis.

I find his question and investigation fascinating, and I'm thinking on this all the time myself, trying to get an insight on it.

My dream seemed so related to waht happened in "reality" in my office, that it would seem obvious that the two are linked.
My dream was a result of what happened during my day.

My dream was lucid, but I wasn't consciously controlling the action.It was coming from within.I kind of just followed along, and watched intensely.

My question, which is kind of liek what james was asking, is this:

Is your subconscious exactly the same as your conscious.Does it process just the same, yet at a more profound rate?

I'm investigating this more and more.There's a lot to this, but I find it fascinating, so will pursue it vigorously.