Originally posted by bhenry:
Has anyone ever used a full body massage to release stress, anxiety or depression? Has a full body massage helped with releasing stress?

Indeed I have... I lived with an exotic dancer, in Vanciouver BC, who decided to become a masseuse... and I her practice subject... Oh Boy! and Yes!...
I discovered I didn't get much from the massage unless I became as much a part of the healer as she was being healer...
So I made it a point to be that... and during one practice massage, something strange and wonderful happened...

I had been lifting large heavy boxes all that day, and had put a vertibrae seriously out of alignment... She found it right off, and attempted to push it back into place, like chiropractic, but without the violence... She stopped trying after three failures, so I instructed her to try again, with less force... while I set all my focus inside, at the trouble spot, like a tiny person pushing inside, pushing at the twisted bone with all my might, in the direction it had to go to right itself, and it slowly turned back into place, feeling like a train car connecting to another train car...

Now I believe that for the healer to do the job, the patent must be working as much on the other end, to accept the healing...
That said, if your task is to release extreme stress, you must be addressing that stress while the massage is transpiring, or all you'll get is accidental healing... sortof like paying your dime, and only farting...

[This message has been edited by cosmicbrat (edited January 10, 2005).]