Hi Frodo02,
After two months you feel Sound Health, Sound Wealth is a good program--hurray! How has SHSW been a positive force in your life so far? I'm still looking for SHSW success stories, so if anybody has them, PLEASE SHARE!!!

You aren't sure if SHSW will be truly transformational, and I'm not sure either. But I'm beginning to wonder if eventually it just might be.

I must say that I'm glad that I requested and received the extended six-month guarantee for SHSW. That guarantee is giving me the time to relax my expectations for immediate results and really experience the course.

I'm still using my approach of "Disks 1,2, and 4 as background at least once a day, Disk 3 at night when I'm in the mood for it, and my beloved InnerTalk subliminal tape Stop Self Sabotage." I see that it has been a week and a half since I last posted in the Sound Health Sound Wealth thread and two weeks since that weigh-in bomb of gaining four never-been-here pounds.

I'm happy to report that since my last SHSW posting on 11/08/04, those four, nasty, new pounds are gone. No dieting, I..just haven't felt like eating as much or as often. I have good days and not-so-good days, but I'm starting to see what I suspect and hope is a slow reshaping of my thinking. I'm becoming more aware of the thoughts and feelings that precede eating or smoking, and I find that it is a little less of a knee-jerk reaction to smoke or snack.

I feel... more aware of my environment and its effect on me. When I hear someone discussing some healthy lifestyle aspect, it seems to reverberate in me. In the last week I've become aware that my bed is contributing to my neck and shoulder stress knots and pain. I feel more aware of the effect of my thoughts on me.

When my 23-year-old daughter blew up at me yesterday, I immediately recognized, "This is defensive. I can hear it. She's angry and defensive because she knows she's wrong. There's no need for me to point out what she already knows." I didn't get angry; it just wasn't worth getting into. Normally that recognition would come well into an argument and be the result of a conscious process of controlled calm and observation & analysis on my part. Yesterday, the recognition was just..there.

So. Sound Health, Sound Wealth results for me are still small stuff--so small you could miss it. Right now they don't seem magical or miraculous; it's just me being a little smarter about myself. And yet.. and yet... The implications from this small stuff ARE exciting and miraculous. I'm very curious to see what the next three months, six months, and year of using Sound Health, Sound Wealth will bring.