i havent done much of these cept a bit of HS
i must say that gateway is by far one of the best things ive come across
just relax into it it will have some effect
but do not think you are going to be some new kind of person sometime soon
the personality change only comes easier when you do it intuitively with the state you have reached
some do not see it or recognise it because they have never been there
like the love of God or the world (or all existence) seems forced on many
but i think with a fresh mind and relaxed emotions you have time to decide on these things

im more into this side of things and do not know anything of frequencies but id love to get to know more one day
i love to learn
but it would have to fit into my 8 hours a day i do now lol

yay its christmas
don't celebrate it but i do celebrate the happy people and yummy food
i've got some shortbread
merry christmas all