
To create a low carrier frequency track, do the following:
Open BWGen, click on the "new preset" button. Name it "carrier", or whatever.
In the general tab you will want to have two segments. When you start there should already be a segment "A" which is 10 minutes long. Click "Add" under the segments box and it will automatically add another "B" segment which is also 10 minutes long. Use the A segment for ramping down from 15 Hz to 1.5 Hz in the first 10 minutes of the preset. So click on the "A" segment in the segments box, click on the "A:Sound" tab next to the general tab, use the edit feature to ramp down linearly to 1.5 Hz. (After you outgrow a particular level you can lower the binaural freq to 0.5 and then 0.3, as they do in the Centerpointe program.)
The carrier frequency you are using is indicated in the lower part of this tab; for the "ramping down" part I usually just leave it as-is, set to "track binaural beat frequency", which should already be checked.
Now go back to the general tab, click on the B segment, and then click on the "B:Sound" tab next to the general tab.
There should be three nodes in the binaural beat frequency graph. Delete the middle one, set the leftmost and the rightmost to 1.5 Hz. You should have a straight line at 1.5 Hz in the "Binaural Beat Frequency" box.
Go down to the Audible Pitch section of the sound tab, uncheck "track another parameter" and make sure the other box is unchecked as well. Click "edit" on one of the nodes and set them to 120 Hz... this is the "carrier frequency" for the preset you are creating... 120 Hz is probably lower than where you are right now, so be careful and don't use this one for too long.
Even though the B segment is only ten minutes long, it will keep looping indefinitely so you can stay in that zone for as long as you want.
Purification Level 1 is probably somewhere between 150 and 200 Hz; I have been researching a little and trying to find the exact carrier frequencies for all the holosync levels, but have been unable to so far. (I think there's a yahoo group that published them a while ago.)
Anyway, congratulations, you have just created the holosync program and saved yourself a bunch of money on the remaining levels.. The exact carrier frequencies used in the program are not really the issue anyway. Just be safe, start somewhere that is comfortable for you, and gradually lower the carrier as the effect diminishes. If you are really eager to feel something, then you can start under 100 Hz, but I wouldn't do that for more than a few minutes at a time.

....To do a fade-out, go to the sound tab and choose "user-defined" under the Volume Settings. I usually use either pink or brown noise at 50% when I make these kinds if tracks...the settings for this are in the same tab.

Oh, by the way, some versions of BWGen can be a little buggy, so you may need to check and re-check your settings to make sure everything stays where you put it.

Good luck,


[This message has been edited by garics (edited December 27, 2004).]

[This message has been edited by garics (edited December 27, 2004).]