Hope everyone had a happy holy-days!

What model Denon headphones? 2 Hz to 30 kHz now that's impressive +/- 30 dB? <grin>. I couldn't find any flatness graphs. How flat are they?

I am going to respect-full-y disagree with the warning about lower carriers being "dangerous." IMHO They ain't.

The only thing "dangerous" about low binaural frequencies is that you may fall asleep and get a crick in your neck.

Current theory says brain entrainment occurs based on frequency differences (binaural) or amplitude modulation (monaural). Carrier frequency is not mentioned.

Carrier frequency does make a difference in things like auditory localization. Low beat frequencies like 0.3 Hz will probably cause things to seem kinda swirly (change spacial position). At 50 Hz, for me, that swirly sensation dropped off and just became changes in loudness.

The folks at BWGEN.COM are good people. They are providing a community for discussion and exchanging presets.

For those wishing to do some experimentation I can send you a windows freeware program. Just email me. I've got a spam blocker so just put "binaural" or something like that in the message.