Well here's a little update for those wanting more precise info, this was passed along to me by someone on the Awakened Minds yahoo group, these are the exact frequencies on the Awakening Prologue. Given the total number of levels in the program you can pretty much extract the reamining carrier frequencies (remember that for each level, the "Immersion" track will just stay at the last carrier and binaural beat frequency, or drop to 1.5, 0.5, or 0.3 if it is one of the "bonus tracks":

> For example, this is the binaural beat component of the Awakening
> Prologue "Dive" (to which is added all the bells and rain and other
> effects that go to make up the complete HoloSync experience):
> 144.6Hz carrier centre frequency, 10Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 144.3Hz carrier centre frequency, 9Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 143.9Hz carrier centre frequency, 8Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 143.4Hz carrier centre frequency, 7Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 142.9Hz carrier centre frequency, 6Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 142.4Hz carrier centre frequency, 5Hz beat, 3 minutes
> 141.7Hz carrier centre frequency, 3.5Hz beat, 6 minutes
> 141.3Hz carrier centre frequency, 2.6Hz beat, 6 minutes
> Level 1 "Dive" does a similar kind of thing, but going from around
> 125Hz to 120Hz. As you can see, the carrier doesn't drop very much
> during the session.
> (When I say "carrier centre frequency", I mean the frequency half-way
> between the two carriers, so a 144.6Hz centre frequency plus a 10Hz
> beat means 139.6Hz and 149.6Hz on the two channels.)

I do think it can be useful to start higher, around 200Hz as you say,

[This message has been edited by garics (edited January 04, 2005).]