I think that that some people are comfortable with their decision with holosync. Others do not like the price or the advertising and are currently looking for other means.

Your approach, Shr33m, is extremely reasonable but I doubt most people will put such systematic and thorough thought and planning into their decisions.

For my part, I purchased the Awakening Prologue a long time ago, and I currently enjoy the effects it's having on me. Perhaps that will change? Perhaps it won't?

I am not so much interested in spiritual progress through this process, and I am not basing my expectations upon the claims made by the marketing. What I perceive now is that it is helping me reach a more serene state, and I am very curious as to whether or not continued use will bring about a greater sense of calm and balance in my life.

The jury is not out on that as far as I am concerned, so I am very curious as to what is going to happen.

[This message has been edited by babayada (edited February 04, 2005).]