Well just to jump in here and get my feet wet again.

Holosync is a long term committment to see it through. Like anything worthwhile. Paying a mortgage on a house is a long term committment that you only see a "paid" slip of paper at the end of thirty years of living in the house. Did you see any big changes in the house in thirty years? No, but you had a home to call your own.

To say there are many options out there is true but to dig in a do the real work of self developement is pretty much a one path road to get it done.

I dabbled around for many years looking for what worked, each time things got a little better until I finally met that teacher I had been looking for all my life and it changed everything for me. If I had gone off looking at more and better options then I would have lost that time and never accomplished near as much. The old saying "Stick and stay, make it pay" is a good rule when you find something that will give you what you are looking for.

From my own experience, when someone tells you there are better options out there that work faster... Well let me know how that works out for you. I'm sticking to this path until it runs out. It doesn't mean I'm closed to other things but they will have to wait their turn.

You don't graduate from class by looking for faster ways to do it, you still have to do the work. Some people like deadlines or time measured production qoutas. I never have enjoyed that way of thinking so don't do it myself.

Holosync and the price of things: Have you ever just given money away? Have you ever paid your creditors and said "Thank You" or do you put out your money grudgingly?

If you were ever at Sea on a Ship and had a pipe fitting burst that cost 59 cents back at Marine Hardware but in the middle of the ocean what would you pay to save your ship? And how would you feel about having to pay $50,000 to have it delivered to you? If your ship was saved you'd grumble but you'd pay and maybe plan a little better next time. You'd grumble about having to spend $1.18 to buy a couple spares, but you'd be $100,000 ahead.

My personal opinion on why most advanced Holosyncers don't respond is they don't really give a hoot, have better things to do. It's kind of hard to explain what they experience to someone who hasn't done it themselfs.

My Aikido Sensei never told me much until he knew I was ready for it. That took a few years to get use to it, but later I really understood why.

