Originally posted by Stevie:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by SpiritualMinds:

I ended up buying the AP and level 1 and have been using it for three years.

Another thing that really has made a difference in effectiveness of binaural beats for me is neuro suppliments. If you can afford Brainlighting it is the cadallac of neurosuppliments IMO. If not, then Ginkgo Biloba is much better than nothing. Adding Huperzine A or DMAE to the mix is even better.

Welcome to the Forum. Can I ask you whether you have progressed beyond Level 1 or have you chosen to stay at that level.

Also I was interested in your comments re supplements. What do you feel they do for you? Can you also describe what the endorphin rush feels like for you?

"Also I was interested in your comments re supplements. What do you feel they do for you? Can you also describe what the endorphin rush feels like for you?"

The neuro-suppliments IMO seem to provide the 'food' for growing the neuro connections. I had done binaural beats and then Holosync for probably 3 months before adding the neuro-suppliments. Within about 48 hours after taking 3 Brainlighting my first sensations felt like a very pleasurable tickling between my eyes on my forehead. In the days following I had all sorts of these sensations on my scalp and that sensation you get when water trickles out of your ears. Sometimes I would get a sensation like warm water was poured down the back of my head. Taking them really did change the effectiveness of Holosync for me.

Within about 6 months after using neuro-suppliments I could literally FEEL the meditation throughout my brain. At first I could mostly feel the pull between the left and right hemispheres as they started to work together. It was an incredible experience feeling the tensions and resistance melt away. After most of that resistance was broken down I then started to feel the front part of my brain connecting with the very back. There were definitely some unsettling moments during meditation as resistance would suddenly show up or drop away. When I say resistance it is an attempt to describe a feeling almost like sinus pressure. My best non-scientific explanation is that part of the brain is resisting the flucuations the meditation/binaural beats that are resonating throughout the brain. When certain parts are not able to vibrate or get in synch it causes the sensation feels much like sinus type pressure but it can appear anywhere; behind the eyes, ears, or even in the very center of the brain. When the resistence goes away you get the 'ah-ah' feeling and a sensation the reminds me of water running out of your ears or the release of pressure from the ears like in an airplane.

Now I typically only take Brainlighting about once a week. Just after taking it the first meditations are very intense and the endorphins flow so good I can hardly stand it. Over a week or so in time the effectiveness of the Brainlighting drops. I've found that if I take the neuro-suppliments everyday the meditations are almost too powerful. I also will sometimes end up skipping Holosync and do regular meditaion if I've just taken neuro-suppliments.

Basically the endorphin flow feels exactly like your brain is having an extended brain orgasm that goes on as long as you continue to meditate. The sensations of the endorphins to me feel most intense just before the 'ah-ah' when the resistance goes away and your left with a calm mind. At times right before the resistance breaks the sensations feel 'too good' and I just have to stop meditating and start over again in a few seconds. When endorpins are really flowing good it almost feels like you're very alert and your brain feels full with energy. This is one reason that I've come to believe that if the meditation is going well you shouldn't fall asleep or even feel like falling asleep; instead it feels like energy is opening up and building from inside your brain as neuro-connections are forming. Perhaps like the kind of energy that you can feel in your mind when you are dreaming real good. Even though you are consiously asleep the energy that flows during some dreams is very real and the sub-conscious mind is in fact quite awake. That is how good meditation feels to me.

Another thing I've found very useful with binaural beats is reasonate tuning. Basically that is humming to yourself during meditation like you have probably heard done in movies and such by zen monks. For people that do too much holosync or become overwelmed I think meditating without holosync and doing resonant tunning helps alot. It makes all the difference for me when Holosync has my brain pushed a little too far.

Much of this is very, very hard to put into words. Often I have people immediately get concerned when I talk about physical sensations inside the brain. But after years of doing this I'm convinced the endorphins and pleasurable feelings from the meditations are the guideposts on our paths to greater potential. They are the indication to me that I'm engaged in something that is good for my mind and body. I've come to believe there is an enormous amount of untapped potential in all of us that gets repressed by the complex, hectic world that is growing around us. Thousands of years ago I think it is likely that people would experience this potential more naturally because of the nature all around them and the earths low 'hum' that we are now displaced from.

I'm still using level 1 Holosync and getting value out of it. Just in the past few months I've started to have a few meditations where I really feel that I've processed all that level 1 can do. But most of the time I can still feel it 'pushing' my meditation deeper.

I've got the BWGen application so I will probably experiment with making my own higher levels before I pony up for the level 2 Holosync. I'm getting so much out of meditation in general I don't feel any need to go higher at this point.

Sorry this post was not more organized and I'm sure there is plenty of bad spelling and grammer. Short on time again so I'm not doing much proof reading.

Good luck and I hope to have more discussions on this topic.