
I am saying to go back to Awakening Prologue if you have not experienced some sort of noticeable change whether it is internal or external.

I see this Holosync Program as alot like weight lifting/body building for the brain and nervous system. In doing bodybuilding you don't move up to the next level of weights without having developed the muscle structure to easily support doing that. If you move on it tears you down and recovery takes much longer. If you back off and use a lighter set of weights you notice you recover easier and growth is stimulated.

Also using the alpha/theta CD's like Super Longevity or Making Change Easy that came with the original program helps lighten things up for you when feeling the Overwhelm.
I always liked the Attracting Money and Success. My lunch time desert.

When you are feeling irritable and life seems kind of nutty that is when you are experiencing growth. You get these endorphin highs during this time. When it seems to taper off and things have gotten kind of boring it is time to move on to the next level.

I think staying awake and sitting up through the meditation is best. I have experienced the falling asleep when starting a new level and viewed it as a feeling, so I consciously feel the feel and it tends to release then I can stay awake. It takes a few days of doing this.

If you can stay awake and consciously observe the changes in your internal energy while the Holosnyc is playing (don't do anything but observe and accept what happens)it will give you some big changes.

Hope that helps.
