Regarding Accepting what comes up. Accepting something does not mean that you have to be passive about it. It is like acknowledging the situation you find yourself in and if you feel it necessary then do something about it.

There are alot of ways to look at it. It is taking responsibilty for something and even though you did not create it, you can still take responsibilty and do something about it.

By welcoming this thing you do not like it allows you to approach it and gets your hands on it. Once you let it into your life and welcome it you can make change. If you deny it, push it away, suppress it, give the "stink eye" keep away, it will just stay there forever until you take control and do something about it. Like dirty dishes in the kitchen.

Just by having the willingness to makes changes if you need to seems to lighten things up.

The Buddhists have a saying that "Your Enemy is a Great Teacher". If you can get to a position of accepting your enemy as a teacher you can also make great changes, especially in yourself.

By being here and now makes you responsible for what is. It is not to say you are at blame and you created all these problems. It is more like you have "The Watch". By accepting the Watch you have alot more control over your own life. You are it.