I never tried BL, but I'm certainly familiar with the components. I've been a huge experimenter with "smart drugs and nutrients" over the last 6 years. Tried most of everything, including imports.

FWIW, here are my conclusions:

- They definately can enhance someone's thinking, memory, reaction time and stress resistance. But everyone is different, and my experience with any one thing, or combo, could be the opposite of yours. Also, educate yourself on every drug or health interaction before plunging into them.

- Too much of a good thing is too much. Titrate your doses and combinations (or you may feel they're making you more "stupid.")

- Some herbs, vitamins, minerals and aminos can definately enhance spiritual and meditative experiences (so can exercise, for that matter). But beware, more than a few of these things can rapidly build "tolerance" in your system (even if it is still delivering health or anti-aging benefits to your brain and body). So don't become "attached" to any particular substance. Take a break, or rotate different stuff.