Hi Stevie,

I don't really have any explanation why meditating while sitting straight is better than lying down. It's true that classic meditation literature (for example see BK Frantzis's "Relaxing Into Your Being" and "The Great Stillness" books) say that meditation lying down is a technique only for the advanced meditator, because it's so hard not to fall asleep when one is lying... Although in the case of Holosync it's strongly advertized that falling unconscious is not a problem.

Here are the differences I felt when listening to Holosync sitting straight compared to lying down :
1) while sitting, I can focus on my position. As minutes pass by, this helps me align my back, and everything inside my body. It eases my breathing and gives me a physical sens of well being that lasts for a big part of the day. This doesn't happen when I do it lying down. For example if I have a back-ache before doing meditation, doing sitting meditation the way I justdescribed helps it go away for the rest of the day. Lying down , my back would feel OK during the whole time of the meditation, but the ache comes back very quickly after.
2) I have less tendency to fall asleep while sitting straight. This lets me enjoy the pleasant states of transe much more. Also the more I stay conscous during meditation, the more the calmness and peace of meditation seems to infuse into the rest of my day.
3) it just FEELS more effective. I just don't know hw to explain it, but it feels like there are more things coming to my consciousness, more realizations, and quicker progress in periods when I do it sitting straight versus times when I tend to get lazy and do it lying down...

I don't know how much this helps you. I hope it does a little !

