
Are you familiar with the various methods out there to establish and maintain rapport, reframe, and all that?

You are lucky to have successful models for you to learn from in real life, right there in front of you. Would it be possible for you to listen in on a few of their calls? Or listen to recordings of successful calls?

Because your job is 100% voice and language, you really do need to learn to use your tone, tempo, and other aspects of the sound of your voice.

The sound of your voice is probably the major thing, as your colleagues stated. You probably have a vast library of personal experience to draw from in terms of when your voice worked vs. when it didn't.

Your attitude also affects everything, too, as you pointed out.

I have a friend who will be successful at anything involving people because he is one hell of a social engineer. He gives off this "I'm too cool for you" aura, but he is very funny and charming at the same time. People flock to him.

In his particular field, he has found that "proving people wrong" in a nice way gives him a lot of power. He uses this line "you would think that, wouldn't you?" he uses. His tonality sorta says, "Yeah, that makes sense, I'd think that too." And then he gives correct information.

He establishes himself as an authority this way, and people end up looking for him for advice, deferring decisions to him, etc. It gives him a lot of power.

There's another friend of mine who is a total flirt, and when he talks to a woman he has the hots for, his voice tone becomes softer and deeper and they sort of have to move in close to hear him better. It works like a charm, you can see women melt a little and smile as he bathes them in his voice and lures them closer. I've noticed he does this and begins to explain something to the woman he's talking to. Again, another power thing.

There are tons of little things like that that, if this is really a wish of yours, you can make your own and use for your own success.

And, of course, there are things that mesh with your own natural style. Part of the success, I suppose, is learning your own successful style, and carving your own niche. But what you learn from others can definitely serve as road-signs.