Hi baba, v-man and kaiden,

Thank you for the responses!

First, I'm well acquainted with the work of Bandler, James and other developers of NLP. Otherwise I would not have been able to make such an observation and see the value of it.

Second, definitely yes, it is connected to my understanding of my future. I've had problems having a bright etc. future. (I've discussed about this with Alex in length. She's coaching me for this purpose.)

And last but not least, I can now answer (at least partly) to which things this observation is leading to... (I was hesitating to annswer anything, because at fisrt it led to some unprintable experiences!) -It's leading to other observations, equally important as the previous one! I've had problems in motivating myself to do my job. To make a long story short, just 30 min ago I noticed that I looked at an internal image when trying to motivate myself. And that image made me feel bad (=not motivated), even before I had had a look at the image of the task I'm doing at work. So, when my mind did look at the image of the current task I ALREADY felt bad!!! => No motivation => do sopmething else => play solitaire... <sigh>. BUT NOW it's going to be different! I know there may still be some other loops in my motivation strategy, but at least one loop is going to change. And I know I'm on the right path. again.

Needless to say I feel fantastic! -purjo