
It is a letter written to your higher self or maybe to some spiritual figure you believe in and respect, much like in SFQ you request Master's Energy.

You write down the subject, then where you are at now. Then you write down where you'd like to be.

It doesn't have to be perfect, but if you think of something else you'd like to add later on don't hesitate to rewrite your request. This is to clarify or add more color or ask for more stuff.

End the letter with something like "please make this happen or something better for my highest good and all concerned" sign it with love and gratittude.

Find a place where you will place these types of requests and always just use that spot.

Place it there and just forget about it. Go back and look at them every year or and see if your request has been fulfilled. If it has, pull it out and file it. I have a file tittled "manifested" I put them in. Make as many requests as you want. And I always give thanks when it is fulfilled.

The other, shouting to the powers that be, as Babayada called it. As was explained to me by a Kuma Hula regarding one of the Kahiko Chants; it is a call to the Gods, with hands on your hips and your head up proudly, you call them and they are expected to listen. You bravely and sincerely express your concern or compliant from anything on how the weather is behaving to how life is treating you. You loudly make your position known and that you want it changed for the better for yourself and everyone.

And when this is answered to your satisfaction you give thanks.

hope that helps.
