
The thing I will do next is learn the Meta-Model, and integrate it into myself until I can live by it, to eliminate unhealthy cognitive patterns.

Being specific about the negatives. (Meta-model)

Generalizing happiness. (Milton Model)

Self-honesty is also something I will improve, and I am working on it already. Self-honesty provides accurate reference points from which to work from. The meta-model also helps with self-honesty, and distortions of reality.

Loving myself needs serious work this year.

I have worked 'beep' hard at improving my interacting. Rapport was one of the things I've worked on. Knowing that sour relationships can sour life drove me to put in serious effort.

There is a whole lot you can do, do what you're really drawn to, it will then be easier to persist. What you said you will do is very good. Depression covers a vast area and is different for all sufferers, there is a lot you can do when you're aware of your personal issues.