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#16891 02/09/06 05:24 PM
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A very interesting book about "beyond human" subjects.

What I found most interesting was, he compared people to red and white cells. Red cells serve a function to the body and then die and are replaced by new red cells. White cells serve a higher purpose but when they die their "memories" are transfered to the new white cells being born. Some people have this "navigator", this hunch, this inner urge for something higher and some people just do not. If you feel the urge, that's why your here searching. And if you don't feel the urge, you're watching tv or something else.

I have a couple of his CD's from and most of them explore how to develop paranormal abilities like telepathy, psychometry, OBE's etc.

Worth checking out.

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What is your opinion of the higher balance program? It looks interesting...just curious if heard of any "real life" success from it.

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They have a Foundation Set which is cheap ($80 or something like that) and that's all you really need. I started doing it in December of last year and all I can tell you is it cuts your meditation time in half and gives you much more benefit than all other meditation techniques I've ever tried and I've tried them all in the last 14 years I've been meditating.

All I can say is it's different. Most meditation techniques deal with the brain and brain frequencies or deal with trying to get your mind to do something. This one has you using your astral body or "energy body." What you do is you begin to "create" it and pump it full of energy. This does have an effect on the physical body, obviously, but that's a side effect- not something you're shooting for. Like a sponge soaking up water, this meditation pumps energy into your energy body and it's this energy that you use as fuel for other things you want to do- expand your sixth sense, OBE's, telepathy, psychometry, astral projection, etc. If you've ever failed at having an OBE or failed at anything psychic it's probably because you don't have a developed energy body and certainly don't have any energy in it. All you have is your body, brain and nervous system and you're trying to get a physical thing to do a metaphysical thing. It can't work, EVER.

If someone has no interest in psychic stuff and just wants the health benefits of meditation (clear mind, happiness, bliss) then they would think Higher Balance sucks and to those people I would recommend Holosync or any brain wave techniques. Those techniques create new neural pathways you didn't have before and work that way. By "work" I mean that they give you the benefits they talk about by changing the brain. HB doesn't work with the brain, it works with the energy mind/body that's in a different dimension that's just controlling the human body that's in this dimension. It's this "body" that HB develops and works with and in my opinion this is the true definition of "spiritual." Directly working with the spirit, not the body. Look at how long we worked to develop physically just to live in this world- the years of school and social conditioning so we could function as a human. None of us have even begun to develop spiritually. I've only just begun and it's amazing, to understate it.

If you're a fan of Star Wars and love the concept of the Force, as an added benefit, you learn that there IS a Force. It's this Force that gave rise to this world including your physical body, but working with the physical body does nothing if you want to understand and use the force that created it and is creating everything around us.

As you can tell, it's "far out" and some people just aren't into that. The Handbook of the Navigator is a good introduction to why you might be "called" to this type of work, and why you might not be, if that's who you are. Some people have the predisposition and some don't. Like wizards chosen for Hogwarts or children with natural force sensitivities selected by the Jedi, most people just aren't going to care about something as "questionable" as what HB teaches.

I hope that I've thoroughly scared you! But seriously, it's really very cool and I'm going through some of their specific modules but you don't really need them. They're just for fun and just for gaining new abilities like astral travel, remote viewing, telepathy, scanning and stuff like that. You don't ever need that stuff. It just helps me professionally because I'm a poker player. Being more psychic helps.

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Yes, you did in fact scare me, but I'm still with you. When you say last December, do mean Dec '04 or Dec '05? Also, what are some of the specific benefits you have received. I am a writer and suffer from writer's block from time to time. I'm looking to overcome this primarily, along with a couple other minor issues.

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Dec 05.

My only physical tangeable provable benefit that most people would care about is I stopped craving sweets once I started this meditation and I'm down 11 lbs. If you got the energy, you don't really want "extra."

Along with the usually benefits of meditation, I got only what I was looking for and if you do it you'll get what you're looking for. We're different and would use the energy for different things. Your question is really the wrong questiong because even though we both fill up at the gas station, we don't both drive to the same places and do the same things. This Foundation set is really just the gas station part of the journey, where you go and what you do is up to you.

I was most interested is ESP and that's what I'm specifically studying. I've learned to "feel" through my energy body instead of thinking with my head and letting it guide my decisions. Some people would say, "Duh, I do that and I didn't need a course to teach me." and of course they're right. Everyone reads and they did it before Photoreading existed, but if you do the PR you'll read much more, much faster and enjoy it more. IMO, HigherBalance to me is the same thing as that. It awakens your 6th sense and tells you how to sense with it and you feel things just like you'd always expect ESP to work. It's not really describable.

If you don't care about ESP, but would like all the benefits of meditation in half the time and without spending much money, you would be happy. Your writers block probably has more to do with mental fatigue than anything else. You just run out of steam. More energy might possibly help you, I don't know, what do you think?

What I'm working on right now is an energy defense system (their cd is called "high guard"). I noticed that when I play poker, some of the players just suck your energy dry and intimidate you and they just vibrate this "unpleasantness," like a bully does in school. What I'm playing with is absorbing their energy and throwing it right back at them. It's actually alot of fun and something that I'm pretty much doing 100% of the time (not specifically throwing energy around at people) wherever I'm at. Some people drain you and some people give you energy. Chunyi Lin is absolutely right when he says that healers give energy to others, you can feel some people doing that. The opposite is also true, some people just suck the environment dry and then when they do give off any energy it's just negative and it's horrible and I'm sick of putting up with people like that and I'm not going to take it any more and I'm learned what to do with negative entities like that and that will be my focus for probably the next few months. Then I might go back to studying more healing stuff. I always loved the Hindu and Buddist concepts of "Lifeforce" - what it is, what it does, what we can do with it so that's what I'm into. You might just be into personal development and if you are you will have completely different benefits when you do the exact same thing I do because you have a different intention.

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chrisp, I have read the navigator handbook & used Higher Balance music meditation cds and have listened to some of the Foundation expansion modules. I am replying to your post to let you know that I think I have achieved some positive results from using Higher Balance's products. The Power of Surrender is one of the expansion modules, and Eric Pepin has some brief but powerful meditations in it for healing of abuse or trauma. (You rewrite the happening by following his instructions.) It is my belief that I had some healings take place before I listened to the surrender information just by meditating using Higer Balance's music for meditation.

As a sometimes aid in image streaming for the Learning Stragegies Genius Code course, I also use Higer Balance's meditation music. My favorite cds are Gentle Crossings, Aurora Skies, and (Asension- high energy techno music)].

Another product they have that I think produces great results is their Water of Life cd. My friends love doing this.

If someone has a financial problem, the company will help that person work out a payment plan he/she can afford. At this time they do not do credit checks they say and they do not charge additional interest for payments.

I think you only need to use one or a few of Higher Balance's products to get results. I also think their products are helpful in meditation if one has difficulty meditating on a regular basis or cannot quiet the noisy mind.

I probably wrote far too much-but am sending-I must get some sleep.

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Thank you so much for your thoughts.
Since my last post, I have received the Foundation Set and read The Handbook of the Navigator on Coldrayne's recommendation (I was home sick last week for 5 days straight and had lots more free time than usual)
Anyway, I very much enjoyed the book and have had very positive results with the guided meditation. Although the Dreamscape is taking a bit for me to get used to, I am looking forward to "graduating" to some of the expansion modules; I would like to be proficient first before I move on. One thing I have noticed is a profound sense of calm and inner peace (almost verging on JOY) following a meditation session and continuing throughout the day. His guidance on the CD really helps me alot and it only takes 20 - 25 minutes. So far I am impressed.
Please let me know if you have any great epiphanies from Eric's system, I'd be very interested to know if anyone experiences the success he claims.

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I almost never use Dreamscape. For some reason I don't really care for it. I think you use it to have a waking lucid dream or something.

Lately I've been meditating without the cd for guidance and inbetween taking in prana I'm getting mini visions that I wasn't getting when I was using the cd. I still do the cd once a day or every other day but I also throw in a session without. He also mentions eventually not needing to touch the chakras but just to focus on them and once you get to that level (took me 2 months) you can do the meditation and absorb energy from the environment during the course of your day. I don't think he mentions this on the explaination cd's, I just started doing it.

In "High Guard" he shows you what to do with the lifeforce your absorbing and has you creating a pyramid shield and developing a psi-sword (similar to a lightsaber). Playing with these is absolutely fascinating.

I'm glad you like the course!

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Just let me say that I have truly enjoyed all of your post on topics from Photoreading to Higher Balance. I have a few questions. Since reading your post on the higher balance foundation meditation system. I have started to re-explore those cd's and the system. I purchased the system about three years ago, tried it once and put them away until yesterday. I lot of things on the guided meditation cd didn't make sense like breathing with the chakras(abdominal, heart, & mind). Breathing in silver light (prana), touching the chakras and focusing on the touch. Could you help me to understand this. Also you stated that you don't bother with the 'dreamscape' cd. Why? and what was your experience like when you used it. Just curious. Thanks.

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It is so odd that you should say that about the Dreamscape CD...that's sort of whats been happening to me (the vivid and or lucid dreams) for the first time ever and I have tried everything to get myself to even remember my dreams at all!
Also, Im wondering about the bineural technology on the guided meditation CD:
It's almost as though I'm experiencing the overwhelm that everyone else is always talking about. I did Holosync through the first custom-made level without even a twinge of anything, now after a week or ten days listening to Higher Balance its all happening ...almost as though the bineural technology is more "advanced" (for lack of a better word) and the level of Holosync I was at wasn't "enough" for me.
I agree with you on the "not wanting extra" (in regards to your craving of sweets) and I'm feeling like my body is becoming more of a vehicle for the universe to work with and through and am much less concerned with "earthly" or "bodily" matters, though it sounds strange now to say it out loud to someone.
I think when I feel ready to move on to another module I will try the Manifestation one, as I think it might help me with my writers block by manifesting creative ideas and or vocabulary, etc.
Your thoughts?

I dont know what your religious background is, but I was raised Catholic and for me it is a challenge to change my thoughts of God from a bearded man with human qualities to a "Force" exuding "prana".
It helps if I visualize the prana coming down from heaven to "assist" me, and sometimes it comes in the form of little silver raindrops falling on me, being absorbed through my skin, making me stronger and I react by illuminating.
I do believe in the Chakra system and the results you experience when one or more of them become blocked. You can also visualize the prana as "silver energy" sent from heaven (or wherever)specifically for you. I feel like breathing in this energy through each of the chakras clears them out and keeps the energy moving through me so that I am somewhat of a vehicle for the Universe.
I think that is his intention.
At the beginning of the session I am breathing in prana and breathing out "old, bad or outgrown energy" but by the end I am not only breathing in active, positive energy but breathing it out as well because I've ridden myself of any lingering negativity and become a vehicle (for lack of a better word) for the Universe to work through.
Though it sounds egocentric, I imagine I am the only thing the Universe is focused on at the time, as it has "chosen me" to raise my vibration to the next level using the energy it sends me.
That's my take on it, anyway.
It dosent make sense but it does; )

As far as the Dreamscape CD, I started listening to it just because I'm in the habit of listening to something as I fall asleep at night, but now I'm hooked on it because something always happens in my dreams and I cant wait to find out what. And I am not kidding when I tell you that for YEARS I have not been able to remember my dreams except in rare instances and this has always bothered me. You may or may not have that problem, of course, and what works for me may not work for you but I am telling you it's wierd!
I would urge you to give it more of a try this time around if you can.

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